Mikedyy Member


  • 10/10 👏🏻👏🏻
  • Where did I learn this? I’m a competitive natural bodybuilder. I’ve competed in several competitions. I’ve dieted for over 25+ weeks for my shows and reached low body fat percentages (4%-6%). I’ve read scientific published articles from legitimate sources and listen/follow legitimate specialists who have backed up their…
  • If 1300 calories is your normal caloric intake then that’s fine. If not, please do not change your calories to a low number like this to lose weight. Weight loss happens slowly. Someone who weighs 170lbs vs someone who weighs 230lbs will have different caloric intakes to lose, maintain, and gain weight. The best solution…
  • Completely agree with your statement as well. Core work can only do so much. By putting yourself in a calorie deficit, you’ll then be able to reduce your overall body fat. When putting yourself in a calorie deficit, do not just drop 400-500 calories right off the bat. Work your way down slowly so that your body has…
  • Every exercise you should be engaging your core. Whether it be tricep extensions, dumbbell shoulder presses, leg extensions, etc. Make sure that’s taken care of first. For direct core work keep it simple. Planks for example are a great choice. Start with 30 seconds. Try that out 2/3 times a week for 3-4 sets. Then bump the…