You look fantastic! You should be very proud of yourself and your motivation.
You all are amazing! Thank you for all of your input..
You look AMAZING! But what I'm really impressed with is your success mentally. That is what I have the most problems with, being ok with myself personally on how I look and how I feel about myself. Fantastic inspiration! You should be extremely proud of yourself.
I don't have a ton of weight to lose... I just want to stop the jiggle and tone up. Lol I really just want to be in better shape. Not feeling like I'm going to die and run out of breath for simple things. If I lose 10lbs while doing this... so be it. ;)
I can walk for days. I really enjoy it. There's a place by work that's pretty nice area for walking, things to see and nice music playing (I live in a tourist town, so there's TONS of places). I've been thinking of using my lunch hour for walking there. I don't know how much of an impact walking an hour every day will…