pliskit Member


  • Age 35, 5’1” SW: 224.2 (August 2020) CW: 220.4 (August 31, 2020) Goal 1: 200 Goal 2: 180 Goal 3: 160 UGW: 130-140 September Goals: -Continue to take my dog on longer walks in the evening -Complete a minimum of 3-4 runs/workouts of at least 30 minutes per week -Continue to log my food daily -Do weekly meal planning for the…
  • It took most of the day, but I convinced myself to go for a run today. I am aiming to do a run/workout/bike ride 5 times per week. It could be shorter at only 20 minutes, or longer, but just something. So I am at two days in a row now. We do walk our dog every evening for about 25-30 minutes, but I want to be active in…
  • Oh I have never been thin. lol When I trained and ran the half I mentioned above I was between 210 and 190. I have run 8 half marathons at 190-210lbs since August 2017. I do have proper running programs to follow. I just don't lol My problem is actually sticking to a plan and following through. The longest I have run in…
  • I am looking for a supportive group to help keep me on track and accountable. I have had success in the past when I was accountable to someone such as a coworker who was also on the same journey as myself or while working with a coach. I am unable to afford a coach or program at this time so I am hoping to find some…
  • SW: 4/8/2016: 211 CW: 12/09/18: 196.2 CGW: 02/01/19: 176 UGW: 145 11/24/2018: 196 (Challenge starting weight) 12/02/2018: 195.6 12/09/2018: 196.2 Ugh, I actually came out up this week, but it was a rough week as far as food went. I ended up super busy, missed a few workouts, and ate some quick stuff that was not ideal. I…
  • I joined way late, but here is mine. SW: 4/8/2016: 211 CW: 12/02/18: 195.6 CGW: 02/01/19: 176 UGW: 145 11/24/2018: 196 (Challenge starting weight) 12/02/2018: 195.6
  • Thanks. I will. It has been a week. I will check my weight tomorrow. I managed to log all my food this week, but had a few days where I was way over. Had two date nights with my husband and those are rare. So I enjoyed myself. We are unlikely to get another date until January sometime and the previous one was in October.…
  • Is it too late to join? I could use some support in my journey. I have roughly 60lbs to lose total. But I wouldn't mind having a more short term goal to strive for.