Women 200lb+, Let's Be Extra Awesome This August!!!



  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,278 Member
    sending you hugs @bluffgirl67 it must be rough not to have your momma there xxx
    @sweetirish you are getting through that pregnancy! Great that you are getting a chance to see what effect different foods have on your body
    @cupcakecrusoe glad your baby is doing better now and enjoyed a bath!
    i'm trying to stick more closely to my plan and have been battling the munchies, I haven't been very strict with myself the last couple of months, time to get things back to where they should be!
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    @KeriA I know, it's best if I get the exercise done in the morning then nothing can happen the rest of the day to prevent me from exercising. I hope your interview goes well.

    Did better today, got in a bike ride this morning and ate well. My weight is up slightly, but this is fairly common for me particularly after a rapid decline. I'll just wait it out.

    SW: 233.6
    CW: 227.0
  • aliciap0116
    aliciap0116 Posts: 231 Member
    @bluffgirl67 sending you lots of hugs; I know how much you miss her.

    @CupcakeCrusoe so glad your baby girl is feeling better and happy again. We are only as happy as our saddest child.

    @sweetirish glad everything is going well and how wonderful to learn about how your body processes different foods. That will serve you well for your whole lifetime.

    @KeriA I hope all the medical tests go well and wish you the best on your interview! I'm glad you are holding out for the right position for you.

    @IsETHome welcome back; we all have bumps and curves on this road!

    @speyerj so exciting and inspiring to hear that your body is adjusting to its new size!! Your hard work is paying off.

    @micwrites, @wanderinglight @MuttiNM and @orangequilt your posts so resonated with me. I am proud of what I have accomplished so far but focus far more on how much further I have to go. The fact I am growing out my gray hair right now is also not helping this not pretty picture. I feel like this group understands me more than any person in my physical life. Thank you for sharing and supporting everyone.
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    edited August 2020
    I feel like this group understands me more than any person in my physical life. Thank you for sharing and supporting everyone.

    - I could not agree more. There is no way I would have stayed on track without the support of all of you. Thank you to everyone for making this a space where I can be vulnerable.

    And Alicia! I'm so glad you and your doctor have a plan (that you can live with!) to address your heart condition. It's great that it's in alignment with your own weight loss goals. CPAP is a pain and I keep trying to see if I can go off of it, but every time I do, my health suffers. And (I know you know this) getting restful sleep does help stave off cravings and hunger - so it can be a weight loss tool too. Finally, thank you for being a hero and volunteering for a vaccine medical trial. I admire you so much!

    @KeriA - Best of luck to you on your interview! You got this!

  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @aliciap0116 That is a very comprehensive plan! It must help a bit to know that you are taking all the steps you can to improve your health. Good luck with it!

    That's really interesting about the vaccine trial. Will you ever find out if you got the vaccine or not or is that something that is never revealed to the trial participants?
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    HW: 257 (June 2019)
    August SW: 201.4
    8/2: 204.2 (highest August weight)
    8/5: 201.6
    8/12: 201
    8/19: 199.4
    8/25: 196.8 (lowest August weight)
    8/26: 197.8

    Big goal 1 achieved: Below 200!
    Mini goal achieved: 60 lbs lost!
    Next mini goal: Into the 180's
    Next BIG goal: 174 lbs - out of obese and into overweight
    Ultimate goal: TBD

    After my maintenance break in July, it took me a while to see the weight start to drop again, and felt like it was taking forever. I briefly worried that I'd be stuck at 200 forever, never able to break through and lose more weight. (I know, its so silly. I've been doing this for a year. I know how and why it works!) And still, even my usually logical and chill brain started to freak out lol. It is reassuring to see the scale move again. My trend weight is also finally below 200 (199.19 to be exact). I don't expect to see any more loss for another few weeks now, based on my cycle. I tend to see the scale move substantially only twice a month: the week after my period and the week after I ovulate. Every other time I'm apparently holding on to water lol.

    I've been enjoying doing yoga and seeing how much stronger I'm getting. I even went upside down briefly last week and did a few seconds in a not-quite-full headstand (both feet off the floor, but legs not fully extended up). Even the week before when I tried it it had seemed literally impossible (how the *kitten* do you gt your legs up? What muscle is that even??). It was exciting to try and it see it working.

    I haven't been back to running yet. My heel doesn't hurt on a day to day basis anymore, so I went for a walk the other morning (just a short 2-3 mile walk around the neighborhood). It felt so nice to be out, but my heel was achy and stiff that evening and the next day. I had a tele-visit with a doctor for something unrelated, and asked about my foot. She does think it sounds like plantar fasciitis, but won't diagnose it without an exam. She suggested I keep icing it, get some shoe inserts, and if the inserts don't help, get myself to a podiatrist. The inserts come tomorrow, and I'm really hopeful they'll allow me to at least start walking again. It has been really frustrating. I felt like I was finally making progress with running, and outdoor cardio like that is so good for my mental health. The only upside is that I've been forced to practice on regulating my calories with and without exercise, which I've always struggled with. Once I get to start eating more calories from exercising, it is so so hard to stop! (And I guess I got to skip running in the heat of summer lol, I'll count that as an upside too!)

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Can it really be weigh-in Wednesday already???

    49 years old; 5'6"
    SW: 236.4 (9/8/19)
    7/31: 191.6
    8/7: 189.5
    8/12: 188.3
    8/19: 189.5
    8/26: 191.3

    My focus this month has been on stress management rather than a weight goal. I am a little disappointed with the gain but attribute it partly to TOM.

    I saw the cardiologist yesterday. We worked on a plan to make my heart as healthy as we can and I will go back in 3 months for additional blood work and to reassess. I thought I would share my plan here for those interested.
    • Current state: Despite low cholesterol (140 total) and normal LDL (98), I have low HDL (32), high lipoprotein (a) (basically sticky LDL molecules), mild heart disease overall but concentrated in one artery so am at the 97th percentile (to the bad) for my age and sex, and a heart murmur. I need to get an echo cardiogram for the murmur. The plan is to get me as healthy as possible to offset the hereditary lipoprotein (a) issue that can't be addressed with diet, exercise or medication.
    • Medication: He is putting me on a low dose statin to bring down my LDL and baby aspirin on MWF to make my platelets more slippery. This should bring my LDL and HDL more into balance.
    • Diet: He recommended a Mediterranean diet, including fish several times a week. Focusing on fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and avoiding saturated fats and partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid red meat; poultry is okay occasionally but is not the best source of protein for me.
    • Weight loss: He would like me to continue losing weight, targeting 2 lbs a week if possible. So I need to step things back up.
    • Exercise: He recommends 40 minutes a day; he was happy with walking and the exercise bike for an exercise plan.
    • Sleep: I have a CPAP that I have not been using regularly. I will make an appointment to adjust to masks etc and make this a priority.
    • Relaxation: He said taking time to rest and relax is part of my job right now, especially since I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety lately.
    • Supplements: Currently I take a multivitamin, D3, turmeric, fish oil, and a hair/skin/nails supplement. I am adding plant sterols, sugar free Metamucil, and K2.

    So there are my September goals. :p Overall, I think this is a plan I can live with, and other than the medication, it reflects what I was aspiring to before all of this. It just makes the need to take action a little more pressing. After taking August to focus on stress management, and getting my head in a better space, the timing is good.

    In other news, I had volunteered several months ago to participate in the Moderna COVID vaccine trial and got a call yesterday. My cardiologist and PCP both think I should proceed with the trial as it is low risk. The blind trial will randomly assign 50% to get the vaccine and 50% to get the placebo and then I have to track symptoms and provide blood work and samples for up to two years. Even if I don't get the vaccine it will feel really good to take an action that is helping science.

    Wishing you all a good week!

    This is so insightful! I'm really glad you got a good, clear plan of action from your doctor. And how cool that you're participating in a vaccine trial! It will be a wonderful thing when a vaccine is cleared, tested, and found effective for this thing.
  • aliciap0116
    aliciap0116 Posts: 231 Member
    MuttiNM wrote: »
    @aliciap0116 That is a very comprehensive plan! It must help a bit to know that you are taking all the steps you can to improve your health. Good luck with it!

    That's really interesting about the vaccine trial. Will you ever find out if you got the vaccine or not or is that something that is never revealed to the trial participants?

    @MuttiNM, @speyerj and @wanderinglight Thank you all; it is a big relief to have a plan. I was spinning for a while with worry.

    Re the trial, it is my understanding is that it is a blind trial, so they will not tell me whether I have the vaccine or the placebo while the trial is going on. But I imagine they would have to tell me once the vaccine is approved so that if I was not one of the people who received it, I could then get it. I would also want my doctors to be able to find out in case I did contract COVID or something else came up. So I have a few questions for them on Monday!
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    Wednesday weigh in

    Highest weight: 435 (11/1/18)--lost 50 lbs. by the end of 2018 but got off track and gained back almost 31 lbs.
    SW: 415.8 (4/17/19)

    7/31: 220.6
    8/5: 220.6
    8/12: 216.2
    8/19: 214.2
    8/26: 213.6

    Aug. GW: 213.6
    GW: 160 (then reevaluate)

    Weekly exercise goals (still working on revising these):
    - bike ride or exercise bike 5 times per week - 5/5
    - strength training (including core specific exercises) 2 times per week - 2/2; increased weight on a couple of exercises last week
    - chair yoga 4 times per week - 4/4
    - steps onto aerobic step platform twice a day at least 3 times per week - 4 days last week; plan to increase reps again this week
    - bonus: 3 hikes last week

    One of my trips to my parents was canceled so I ended up getting all my planned exercise in. Maybe not on the usual day but I got it done eventually. This week there should only be one trip so hopefully the exercise part of the week will be good.

    Reached my August goal weight today even though my loss for the week was small. Lately it seems like my losses are up and down and up and down. I really wish they'd be a bit more consistent but I know that's not how this works. I can still wish for consistent results, though! ;)

    Hope you all are well.
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,278 Member
    @eliezalot I too have plantar fasciitis but much much less since I started wearing birkenstock sandals, with the arch support, a nurse friend told me about it and it really made a difference. Even if they are not your style, you could wear them to go for a walk! The other thing that helps is to roll a golf ball under your heel. Hopefully the inserts will help too. I used to get it more in summer when I was wearing thin-soles shoes.
    @aliciap0116 sounds like you have a good plan to keep your health on track, and thanks from all of us for volunteering for the vaccine trial! Hopefully a vaccine isn't too far away for everyone.
  • Maddie_Enzo
    Maddie_Enzo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Maddie and I've decided to continue my weight loss journey this month.
    🖤 My start weight is 215
    🖤 My current weight is 210
    🖤 The heaviest I've been is 223
    🖤 My goal is 170

    I'm looking for friends to add on here and a support group to be a part of 😊😊😊
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    @bluffgirl67: I hope that you've been able to have a happy birthday. Give yourself all the time you need to grieve. I knew that I'd be dealing with a whole lot of feelings after I left my husband in 2018, and so while I knew I needed to lose weight, I didn't even want to try dealing with the feelings changing my eating patterns would bring up while still dealing with the emotional fallout of ending 25 years of marriage. About a year after I walked out I was in a position to do that. So go gently with yourself right now.