withinthemargin Member


  • Right, but you were using that as a litmus test to determine whether someone knows something about nutrition, and that's why I was disagreeing. I wasn't disagreeing with telling the OP to pay more attention to what they do eat rather than what they don't/can't.
  • I agree with your comments and other peoples' as well, but I take issue with this. There are certainly certain foods which, the ingestion of which, can affect nutrition in that they inhibit the ability of the body to efficiently digest other nutrients. As a very broad overview, if a particular chemical reduces an…
  • Athletes are just people. There are a variety of things that professional athletes can do that would make them better athletes, but that they don't do. As one example, I doubt there are any dieticians which would say that alcohol is beneficial, and I would think most would say that alcohol harms their bodies and…
  • You're not "bad" you just aren't used to it. In college I was lifting a lot, and my roommate was in ROTC. He spent a lot of the summer doing pushups. We could bench about the same, but he could do 50 pushups at a time, I could barely do 5. Being competitive, I started doing pushups a lot more and after a while I could do…
  • I'm going to take a different stance than the standard reply. I truly hope this is helpful and not detrimental, but just based on my honest experience. People will look at you and recognize you if you're new. Not everyone, but the regulars. There's nothing special about gym-goers, if you're in their line of sight they will…
  • I'm not really currently doing anything. I can pretty easily just start and get on the treadmill for 3 miles at a steady run speed (7.0-7.5). There have been various times in the past couple years where I've tried to start running again and done that, but then had to travel, go to events, and eat pretty poorly without a…
  • Thanks, didn't know about the bridge to 10k, but will look into that.
  • Thanks, I looked at couch to 5k, but just feel like I'm basically already at the end point of that, so I guess a better, more direct question is, what do people do after they're done with the couch to 5k program? I've only been able to find those types of programs, and then programs at the very high end of people who are…
  • I haven't run for a little while, but always been somewhat athletic. So I don't have a baseline mileage now, but about 1-2 years ago I was running about 5 miles per day, 5 days/week, so I really just want to get up to that (but now have time to run 7 days/week), and maybe every once in a while do a 10ish mile run when I…