Cassasassie Member


  • My first trimester was killer too. 😭 I threw up around 7 times a day until I got medicine to help it. I lost 8 lbs due to lack of food and water. I’m now up at my prepregnancy weight of 143 lbs but I’d like to try to maintain this as long as heathily possible since my old average weight until this May was 127-132lbs.
  • Tmarie, I’m so in the same boat. My sleep schedule has gotten all screwed up because of finals and I’m sleeping like 12 hours a day 😭 I don’t know what to do for more energy since caffeine is out.
  • Hi, I’m 19 and a ftm. I was working full time and going to college but once I started showing decided it would be best to just focus on college and baby. I saw last year in a Facebook I was 129 lbs. and made me want to get in shape as before I got pregnant I was 143. Since I was so sick starting out, I just this week got…