Rawrmachin3 Member


  • Yes I know it’s real food. Calories themselves don’t define something as food. Calories are a measurement system. If there’s a nutritional benefit we use it. What if we measured bleach and it had calories in it? It would be a food by your definition. I drink 2 gallons of water per day. The last thing I want to do is drink…
  • I work out in afternoon. My post workout is a large sweet potato, flank steak, and pureed avocado on the steak. Good source of fats, protein and carbs to keep a steady trickle into the body for what I need for growth.
  • I’ll stick to science, my experience as well as others and the likes of Justin Morris and others who actually train regular people and the elite level athletes. You just say what and no without providing any factual data to back up that my statements are incorrect. Carbs are a piece of the puzzle and as such for optimal…
  • Naturally we all want to be the strongest, prettiest, fastest, etc. it’s a basic instinct. What you have to remember though is you’re doing this for your health. Mental health is just as important so stop comparing yourself. If I saw you out in public I’d definitely approach you from your profile pic. I grew up the fat kid…
  • You look gorgeous! Comparing yourself to people you see online isn’t healthy. Most of what people post online is filtered, doctored, etc. it’s all marketing themselves for more followers, likes etc. some people have superior genetics compared to most. You don’t know if they’re taking PEDs to look the way they do etc. be…
  • A shake after a workout really isn’t optimal. Eating good food is optimal. I do flank steak, whole sweet potato and 1 cup of avocado slices puréed on top of my steak. In the grand scheme of things it’s really more about keeping up your blood amino levels up. I eat every 3 hours and the above mentione meal after a workout a…
  • Squats with no belt. Doing all these accessory abs exercises are not really of any benefit for most. Want to see your abs? It’s about genetics and body fat percentage. I don’t use a belt from when I start at 135lbs all the way up to 625lbs. Why? Builds core strength and stability among other benefits. Back when I first…
  • Any exercise you do is a stressor to the body. What varies is the extent depending on what you’re doing. To promote muscle growth it requires micro tears in the fibers. How does one achieve micro tears? You can do lower sets and heavier weight which is also very taxing on the central nervous system and requires more rest…
  • Doubt you overdid it. It’s just because your body is no longer adjusted to the movements and stress since you said it’s been a while. I always have to hold onto the rails going down the steps at my gym when I leave from doing legs. Happens every week as I push myself but I’m a power lifter so it’s a bit different. The only…
  • Slimming down is just simply a product of calories in/calories out. Macros aren’t as important unless you’re power lifting or body building to maintain a certain composition. I macro but that’s because I’m a PLer. I’d just recommend focusing on making smart food choices and staying within the calorie area recommended. See…
  • You want micronized creatine monohydrate. Optimum nutrition is what I use and have for years as theirs is tested and creature. Creatine hcl and all the others are a marketing gimmick. Going to gnc for supplement advise is a waste. Everyone responds to creatine to some degreee but if you eat a lot of red meat you are…
  • I have an espresso machine so I make a double shot in the morning and mix it with my fairlife protein. 150 calories and 30g of protein in chocolate. I use it as I prefer it to powders that are on the market now. I am not a sweet coffee type person so I like strong coffee but it’s really a great combo.
  • I honestly couldn’t tell you. I tend to be a thriftier shopper in the sense that I avoid paying full price on stuff but I don’t add it up. I’m probably in the 300-500 a month range for just me. I don’t eat out as being a power lifter I’m on a pretty stringent eating regimen. I eat 12oz of flank steak at night with 1 cup of…
  • Naked of course. I run hot so clothes just make it worse.
  • It’s most likely a combination of water and replenishing of glycogen. For each gram of carbs your body takes in in glycogen stores it also takes in around 3.5 grams of water and sodium. Glycogen is for instantaneous energy as where fat is for long term mostly. You’re also going to intake water into the muscles to aid in…
  • You just may not like weight lifting. It’s not for everyone. Even though I despise CrossFit you may want to try that. It’ll put you in with people that can motivate you and the social aspect may be what you’re missing. Given what you mentioned about your home weight system collecting dust I’d bet this may be the case. I’m…
  • Most pre workouts are a waste. I take redcon1 total war as it’s clinically dosed with ingredients that are proven by many scientific studies. Caffeine, beta alanine, citrilline, agmatine sulfate, and creatine are proven to be effective. Most pres either don’t have any of this stuff or have very little. Be aware you will…
  • There’s a reason the supplement industry uses marketing buzz words, fancy labels, etc. it’s all a marketing gimmick. There are things that help with performance like beta alanine, citrulline malate, caffeine, creatine, and a couple others but for weight loss there really isn’t anything out there. If there was obesity…
  • You’re doing way to much to try and tone a specific area. Fat loss doesn’t work that way and muscle growth isn’t going to happen like you think. The body will lose weight where it wants. Your body fat percentage is most likely too high which causes you to not be able to see the changes. I’m assuming you’re female which…
  • Carbs are important and in some ways more important to protein. Look at jay cutler. He used to eat around 180g of protein and 1500g of carbs. Protein synthesis isn’t something that is constant in the body. It happens when it happens. Keep your blood aminos at a stable level so when the body needs it it is there. Protein…