SpicyWater Member


  • I've heard of FAB and this makes me tempted to give it a try - I use shea butter a little more than coconut oil - although I love coconut oil for shaving.
  • When I'm not flared up I use anything - but right now I'm reverting back to gentler options. At this rate I'll be back to using only Aveeno and Cetaphil pretty soon. It seems to help a little but I don't think it's my main trigger. I'll try the honey and tea tree!
  • I get it on my eyelids, around my mouth, on one side of my neck, my wrists, fingers, and arms.
  • I have ALWAYS had trouble waking up in the mornings. I've been a night owl for my entire life - I was actually starting to stress about it when I was getting ready for my wedding this past summer, because my husband is quite the early bird. He's up and out of bed at 6am every morning. Amazingly - I've found that after a…
  • I'm using all 3! XD Thank you :)
  • I usually buy a lot at a time cause I live 30 miles from the store! The time I'm thinking of, I recall buying fresh lettuce and spinach, a few loaves of bread, maybe 25 bags of steamable frozen veggies (not the cheapest way to go) and a few specialty items like a $5 bag of chia seeds. I always get veggies regardless of…
  • My personal opinion is that you should spend BOTH your friendship and emotional energy on someone less manipulative. Almost anyone would be better than someone like that.
  • Yes - because where I live we have few options for grocery stores and eating healthy seems so expensive. I know that in the long run, avoiding fast food options and eating out is saving me loads, but when I get a cartful of veggies and other whole foods and spend $100 it always gives me a shock.
  • Bump - I use the chocolate flavor just plain with water and would love some ideas too
  • It sounds like you might have a few hidden triggers. I suggest talking to your therapist again or maybe getting one if you don't have one!
  • To be fair, not liking salad and not liking veggies are two different things. I don't eat salad every day - but I do eat legumes, nuts and seeds, raw veggies with lunch, steamed veggies with dinner, potatoes, tomatoes in various forms, etc. You don't have to like eating a bowl of salad to be a vegetarian! :) Also -…
  • Bump - I'd like to read anyone's advice on this too.
  • But now you're in "brow-rehab" and have been sober for 8/9 years. [/quote] A comforting thought!
  • Definitely the overdrawn/too dark/faded Nike swoosh eyebrows. I can't direct too much hate to them though because I was that girl with the overplucked pencil brows in 2010 - so I've fallen victim to the brow trends before
  • I'm a pescetarian, but realistically I don't eat much fish. I do really struggle to hit MFP's goal for me of 89 g protein a day while staying in my calorie limit - the days when I do hit it, I've eaten cottage cheese, low fat yogurt, a few eggs, chia seeds or portioned nuts, black or green beans, smoked string cheese, and…
  • LOVE. Barbeque potato chips
  • My husband gave me a great, thoughtful gift - packaged in a TERRIBLE way. It was a gorgeous pair of crystal elephant-shaped earrings. Hidden in a wrapped Killian's box full of empty beer bottles. He does this every year :D he has the weirdest sense of humor.
  • My GP never mentioned my weight. I've been overweight my whole life, and dipped into "obese" in college. I'd love to work my way back to "overweight". Maybe I needed someone who had my best interests at heart to tell me I should take charge of my health.
  • We're getting all that snow here too in upper Michigan now! I'd love to find some snowshoes and put them to use out there.
  • I love my Fitbit Alta :) It's an older model, I got it off Ebay for $30 but it does everything I need it to. I find it really motivating - I have a desk job and if I'm sitting too long it will vibrate and remind me to take a quick walk around the building. I really like the feature that tracks my sleep - I was skeptical,…
  • Oh, I'm INFP.
  • I'm extremely introverted. Sure, I can "turn it on" and be extroverted when needed but as soon as my mental state is compromised I completely retreat into myself and NEED some alone time.
  • It's a lot easier to lose weight than to replace a destroyed set of lungs.
  • This rings true for me. I know EXACTLY how you feel.
  • I'm sure you've thought of this but honestly, the thing that got me off soda and onto water back in college was flavor packets. Crystal Light, Mio, Arizona tea packets - I used to buy them and keep them in my purse or backpack for when I got thirsty. Yeah, it's still sugary (or sweetenery) but I found after 6 months or so…
    in Soda Comment by SpicyWater December 2018
  • My mother-in-law is diabetic, disabled, and can barely walk - she has lost 50 lbs using ONLY diet (obviously no exercise.) She eats super clean - but you know what the only thing she still indulges in is? Coffee creamer. She lost 50 lbs in a year with diet, no exercise, and drinking coffee creamer in her coffee. It can be…
  • Take measurements and take all sorts of pictures! It's possible that the reason you're feeling stuck is because the places you'd like to see an improvement in, you aren't necessarily. I know that technically you lose fat from your whole body but me, for example, I hold most of it in my stomach so that's an area that always…
  • I'm actually kind of relieved to see this because I had no idea either and felt like it was probably something I should know as a bio major. My husband tried to convince me that you poop it out and that's why if you're losing weight your poop floats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol
  • This is honestly kind of sweet :) congrats to you and your wife on retirement!
  • It's easy to get fired up about the things you care about. I've been known to fly off the handle myself and confuse friends/family who don't understand why I'm upset. But I've always found that it's because there's something I'm upset about with myself. This may or may not be the case with you but it's something to…