I know I feel like sleep is the number 1 thing causing me to binge on sweets. I feel like by the end of the week my body is just beat and wants to sleep. Sadly it’s hard for me to sleep more without sacrificing the gym. I feel like the gym is my sanctuary. My place I can go just for me. I don’t do anything except take care…
Never been on an extended diet break at maintenance level. I’ll definitely look more in to this and give it a try. Thanks Toad!
Don’t be discouraged by how the mirror looks. Go with how you feel. I would say if your eating that low of a caloric intake you maybe wanna just do 20 mins of HIIT cardio only like 2-3 times a week. Might wanna also run your numbers through a TDEE calculator and make sure you’re on point. Eventually there will come a point…