myisha00 Member


  • One last update. Below are my fat loss results from my InBody scan today. Results on 4.21 Results on 6.30 Surprisingly I actually have lost quiet a bit in my belly over the pass 2 months according to the result but only 1/2 pound in my arms. Maybe I need to just focus on toning my stomach and arms? I’ve been skinny before…
  • Thank you so much for these kind words! I’m feeling a bit better after hitting the gym today. I’m going to keep pushing on. I’m tired of cutting calories but I am also embarrassed by how big my arms are and confused about why my stomach is not where it was when I was at this weight before especially since I was not lifting…
  • Thanks so much! I’ll keep working at it. I realize that my skin will always be pinchable but it doesn’t feel like just skin to me. It feels like a layer of fat hiding my lower abs. It’s hard to explain but I can feel my abs under all of it and I hope that if I keep losing body fat they will eventually be revealed. The…
  • Some pictures. I keep wondering if it is loose skin but I can feel the fat between it. It’s so disappointing because I feel so much strong but don’t look it.
  • I’m back and still not much seeing progress in my lower belly and arms. Ive been increasing my weights at the gym and I can see the muscle definition developing in my legs and back. I see it a bit in my arms but still have a lot of fat in them. I’ve stopped relying on my scale measurments as much because I’ve increased my…
  • OMG thank you all so much! Everyone has been so helpful. I will admit that I was feeling a bit depress because I was not seeing the results that I expected but I will keep going. I think my belly is a combination of loose skin but I still feel a bit of fat in there when I squeeze. For my arms, this is the area were I…
  • Does anyone have any suggestions on what tools to use to get a more accurate body fat and muscle mass readings? I mainly want to make sure I am not losing muscle mass while I am on my calorie deficit. My goal is to get down to 20% body fat. Thanks to everyone who has replied!
  • I agree that they may not be the most accurate but I don't think they are a gimmick. I've been eating in a caloric deficit and weight lifting 3 to 4 four times a week for about two months and my scale has shown an increase in my muscle mass and for the most part loss in body fat since I first started. I feel like if they…
  • Thanks everyone! I was aware that my scale might not be the most accurate at measuring my weight composition but I thought that it would at least remain consistent. Im bit disappointed if that is not true but glad that I did not mess something up. I was doing once a week weigh ins before but read that daily was better to…