FrostedLight Member


  • Hi! I'm also 5'1" and I'm 21. Would be happy to chat 😊
  • That's much appreciated, thank you 😊
  • I'm glad it worked for you! I also have my daith pierced, but I don't think it's made much of a difference unfortunately. Did you get yours pierced on the side that you primarily get migraines on?
  • Thanks for replying. My triggers are pretty similar to yours, but flashing lights, dehydration and strong smells also set me off. I've been logging on and off but I guess because I just keep gaining weight I've been put off... I need to get out of that mindset and start logging again.
  • I've been asked if I've wanted to try Topamax, but one of my close friends is on it and she's had a horrible time. Also the potential side effects are really scary, so unless the benefits would outweigh the risks I don't think I would take it 😅 even though weight loss is a side effect... Thank you though 😊
  • Thank you, there are definitely some doable things there. I appreciate the support
  • Unfortunately I don't have a treatment team, but I'm thinking of going back to speak to the dietician because I'm really struggling with my relationship with food. That's true, walking is nice. Thank you for your suggestion. 😊
  • Thanks! I have not been using a scale as I used to eyeball things and it was enough to lose weight but I suppose given that steroids increase appetite my eyeballing has been too much. I'll start using a scales and see what happens.