Xlivnfree1982 Member


  • I don't do macros, I have heard of them, but don't really look into all that. I feel good, not tired fast or fatigued. I am on the move all day at work most days. Graveyard itself is a tough shift, and right now I am on this shift: Mon: 7am -3pm Tue: 3pm-11pm Wed: 3-11pm Thu: 11pm-7 am Fri: 11pm-7 am Sat/Sun: off However…
  • I did Insanity when it first came out. I was 220 lbs (biggest weight since I had my son), I started this program and just made it through Alpha. However I dropped to 155 lbs! At first I felt like you. If yourfeeling that way I would say your not eating enough. I upped my calories and I noticed the weight falling off and me…
  • Alright got a question! So I have been sticking to my diet, increased my protien and Fiber, drink my water (up to about 100oz a day) workout, lowered my carbs as much as I can, but not completely. I do both cardio and strenght training. My question...I have a Fitbit scale. It measures my fat % and lean muscle. I have lost…
  • Kicked it up! Went to Level 3 today. It was ok! I did modify some, I just don't have the ab strenght yet, but working on it. So Level 3, Day 1 ✔
  • June 23rd Updates/Measurements: Weight: 161.8 lbs (-2.4) Arms: L - 12 (0) R - 12 (0) Thighs: L - 20.5 (-1.0) R - 20.5 (+.5) Waist: 35 (-.5) Lower Hips: 36 (+.5) High Hips: 40 (+.5) Chest: 40 (0) Stomach: 40 (-1.5) Total Inches this week: 1.5" Total overall so far: 11.5" Total weight loss since 16th: 2.4 lbs Total overall…
  • Sorry for your rough patch. Never easy when it involves our loved ones. Hope you are doing well. Yes it makes it so smooth using a Avacodo! It was great! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
  • Level 2, day 8 ✔ No Tredmill Today as I hit 35,000 steps today and I didn't want to walk anymore! Toughed out the workout, put my all into it as tommorow is measurement day. Hope I got something to bring to the table, if not, well I'll still keep moving forward!
  • Well I hope you had a good time see I g your family! We still are in this together, so we are still rooting for you! You Got this!
  • You can join no problem..I know a few of us are moving onto Ripped in 30 come July, but your more then welcome to follow us, update, add, and post as you would like. Welcome!!
  • Whoops! 9 days, not 16 days. I am 16 days away from starting T25 and JM Ripped in 30.
  • Monday Weight In: June 22nd 161.7 lbs Still trying team. Sorry I am not very active on the thread. Between work, home life, and me time I am just trying to balance as much as I can. June over all so far has been a good month. I try and get on the treadmill everyday, drink my water, and get my steps. I have been eating a…
  • CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 165.3lbs May 4: May 11: 165.3lbs May 18: 164.4lbs May 25: 165.0 lbs May Goal: 163lbs May Actual: 165lbs - Oh well, I feel better so progress! June 1: 164.9lbs - To be expected, just started a new workout routine. June 8: 164.7 lbs, but down 8"!!! June 15: 162.2 lbs June 22: 161.7 lbs June 29:…
  • Level 2, Day 7 ✔ 30 minutes on the treadmill. Had a avacodo that was going to go in the next day or 2, so took it, added it to 1/2 cup ice, 3/4 cup milk, 1 scoop Chocolate protien whey, and 2 Tbsp PB. Wow! It is amazing!
  • Level 2, day 6 ✔ 30 minutes treadmill I'm cutting out sugar in my diet. Ugh. Feel so foggy...hopefully this detox is fast over. Anyone else taking pictures!? Notice a difference, or clothes fitting different? I'm starting to feel different in my clothes. Like my back is wider!? I don't understand why tho. Oh well.…
  • Level 2, day 5 ✔ I will say I was not into it today, I will do a extra day to make it up. I swear graveyard shift plays it's toll on me, but not giving up! No treadmill today as I had to go grocery shopping and get some sleep. Doing great guys. I'm seeing definition in my arms. Crazy!!
  • Sometimes we just need to step.back for a day or two and regain our thoughts and our sanity. You should be proud of how far you have come so far, and a day to just relax and enjoy yourself is nothing to be derailed over. Take your time, we are in this together. I also was kicked in the rear at work yesterday (Graveyard…
  • Level 2, Day 4 ✔ 40 minutes treadmill Today I pushed myself pretty hard. Feeling motivated to push thru the mid way slump. Hope you all are hanging in there! We got this.
  • Not part of the tread as I don't have a bike. I have a question though. I would like to do some trail riding, moutain biking, and some down town riding to get to different trials/off the pavement rides. I used to ride a long time ago, and I loved it! Question is I would like to get someone's opition on the different types…
  • Level 2, Day 3 ✔ 30 minutes treadmill. Made a chocolate whey protien, banana, and peanut butter smoothie. Actually was pretty good! Hope to make it a habit! Keep it up you all. It's a journey, not a race.
  • Thanks for the info and encouragement. I'll look into quest bars, I have cliff bars and I grab those for on the go meals sometimes. I am taking weekly pictures with my Measurments, and I am seeing a difference. So that helps. Time to get my butt in gear tho, so I can do it all over again tommorow.
  • Time to suck it up and get back on the treadmill! I'm happy I lost inches and a little weight, but I'm hard on myself and I wanted more. I think my diet although high on fiber and protein is good, I'm not eatting as much as my Fitbit plan is telling me. I can't seem to even come close. I walk and burn a lot of calories at…
  • Week 2 Measurments: Weight: 164.2lb (-.5) Arms: L - 12" (-.0) R - 12" (-.0) Thights: L - 21.5" (-.0) R - 20" (-.5) Waist: 35.5" (-.5) Low Hips: 35.5" (-.5) High Hips: 39.5" (-.5) Chest: 40" (-.5) Stomach: 41.5" (+.5) Total Inches Lost This Week: -2" Total Inches Lost Overall: -10" Total Weight Loss Overall: -.8lbs
  • Level 2, Day 3 Done. Really need to get back on the treadmill becuase I think it was helping me a lot with the extra cardio. Measurments tommorow..Hoping for the best.
  • Great Job! Hope I can pull big numbers, but feeling about the same, just stronger. Lol
  • June 15th, Monday Weigh in: 162.2lbs
  • CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 165.3lbs May 4: May 11: 165.3lbs May 18: 164.4lbs May 25: 165.0 lbs May Goal: 163lbs May Actual: 165lbs - Oh well, I feel better so progress! June 1: 164.9lbs - To be expected, just started a new workout routine. June 8: 164.7 lbs, but down 8"!!! June 15: 162.2 lbs June 22: June 29: June Goal:…
  • Level 2, Day 2 done. Feeling better about it today. Think it was the balance thing, so scaled it back to modify and did better on a few. Arms def felt it today. Bought whey protein...see if it helps substain muscle growth and lose fat instead.
  • Yup...Level 2 Kicked my A**. I feel like I did the first day of every working out, but day by day I know we will get stronger! Try your best and you can give yourself that! Good job peeps! I am going to get back at the treadmill tommorow. Switch at work had me holding off till my body caught up to the reverse in hours.…
  • Rest Day....I have to head into work this afternoon till early morning..got off at 7 this morning, so taking a rest day! Level 2 tommorow! Have a great day all!
  • Day 10 ✔ Deciding if I want to do 11 days level 1, then straight onto level to instead of a rest day. Great job everyone! Keep it up! Anyone else having issues uping your protien to retain muscle mass? I'm trying but, it is saying I need way more then I feel I can eat! Trying to cut carbs too... What's in your diet!?