It’s hard to give you everything that you need because I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time so here goes. I have been eating 3500 to 4000 for about two months before I had my goal set for 3200. I have no idea how many calories I burn daily. I do try not to do to much except for lifting. I have been lifting and…
I think maybe all the veggies I was eating was counter productive to my current goal. You have to understand too that I have no idea what I am taking about. So everyone should keep that in mind
I guess I mean fast food for the most part I considered bad. I figured out that all the vegetables I was eating wasn’t helping me. Less veggies and more carbs. Peanut butter is a life saver when I can’t seem to eat anymore. I usually drink three or four gold standard whey shakes a day with some fruit and Greek yogurt mixed…
I like people sometimes
Yes oleas
I have social anxiety
I need to freinds to bail me out
I would like some freinds I don’t have any ;(
Yes please
Y’all for some reason my add freind button is broke. So feel free to add me I would add you if I could
Hey I could use some connections lost my other account