You can add lean ground beef to many things like scrambled eggs, sauté with veggies and stuff
Within range
I am not an expert but I think each person is different and what works for one person may or may not work for a different person. I think if keto works for you go for it and if you try it and it turns out not to be your thing, don’t knock it down for other people it works for. Just find your own thing. IMHO keto isn’t a…
Oh no she was a favorite of mine
Older than dirt
You have done a great success.
I was thinking about doing liift and piyo combination. I am glad to hear piyo was enjoyed by some of you. Thanks for your input. :)
Thin sliced pork chops
I had a woman boss who was short and considered overweight. She did triathlons every year. I have to think that even tho she was overweight she was still a fit individual, moreso than many people who may be thin and aren’t doing triathlons. Don’t know about the fat can’t ve fit thing. I have positive feelings for the fat…