blrbunch Member


  • Hi Brenda! Health issues can certainly hold you back. I’ve had the same issues. Sounds like you are ready to put all that behind you. Good luck.
  • Looks like we all have the same goals. I have lost and gained a lot in the last 30 years. I’m determined to keep it off this time. In my mind I’m still the skinny girl that all the moms tried to fatten up!
  • You are a beast RetiredinGeorgia! I've lost that much but 10 lbs at a time- up 10, down 10, up 10, down 10.... I think I see a pattern! Seriously though, thanks for the BMR formula. I hadn't really thought of that. My doctor says my body is ready for the ice flow! (Think of the Inuit when that's what they did with their…