Corptheater Member


  • I appreciate the clarification OooohToast. :)
  • Wow!! Who said anything about water fasts and “who knows what else”!! I detailed out exactly what I was going to do and there was nothing in there about water fasts. After I finished each meal I was content. I was also able to incorporate snacks into the plan. There was no fasting or rigging of the system. I had a plan and…
  • As I posted earlier, I have no plans of pushing this plan out any further. And..thanks...I suppose.
  • So, since I don't like it when people don't post the outcome after a discussion such as this, I figured I should say how it went. I ended up following my plan to the T and won! I felt fine during the entire process. I wasn't ever hungry, tired and I didn't experience any medical issues. This was a great experience but I…
  • Hey all! Thanks again for the information and more importantly for your concerns. :) So, based on what I am hearing I will start focusing on making adjustments to my calorie count. I do want to see how I am doing after next week, health wise, weight wise, and overall mindset wise. It is very possible I am eating too few…
  • Hey apullum, I think might have missed a portion of number 1. There is a financial aspect that is causing this drive. I appreciate your input though!
  • Hey everyone! Thank you for the replies. :) Lets answer a few questions. :) Why the plan/how much weight: So, as of today, I am looking to lose 19.4 lbs by July 7th. I say as of today because I have already dropped a number of lbs and my most recent weigh in was today. That is 51 days away. Based on my calculation, to do…