lane220 Member


  • I expect more people will respond to this thread- but I just wanted to let those of you who have already know that you never disappoint and always give such helpful responses. thank you all so much!
  • @L1zardQueen lots of chips, fast foods, TONS of sugar. I was eating so much in fact that I avoided logging my food- but I know i had anexcessive amount of sugar and i’m sure tons and tons of salt.
  • to everyone else, thank you for your responses! i’ve typed some information into these links you’ve sent me and gotten a better baseline on how my days will look from now on. thank your for your help.
  • @nanamerriman2020 hi- in response to your questions, I am between 5’7-5’8”, between 135-136 lbs, and I am quite active. I typically walk 14-15 miles a day. that is where most of my calories are burnt i’d say. it’s rare that i’m just sitting around for hours at a time.