Bramewhiting Member


  • Tonight I had garlic chilli prawns with zucchini noodles and mushrooms. Portion came to around 180 cals. So yummy.
  • Peri menopausal as well. The only regimen I’ve found any help in is intermittent fasting. Dr Michael Mosley’s books are an easy read and lay out the whys and wherefores very clearly and simply. Great recipes too. It’s worth a look (I can see my cheekbones again!) good luck
  • Hi, soon to turn 45. Started packing it on around the time my daughter was 6 months and husband lost his job. When things picked back up with my own business, hubby working etc. life got so hectic I fell into a habit of grabbing quick food on the run. My health has now become a huge issue and it’s time I did something real…