nicolajw00 Member


  • It’s my first weigh in. I’m really pleased I’ve gone down 2lbs and my weight is no longer going up. I’m not sure of the format that you want the weigh ins. Is this right? Week 1: 234lbs
  • I’m very glad to have found this thread. I made it through tonight without a drink despite having a strong craving for one, it did disappear much more quickly than I expected, after about half an hour I’d forgotten about it. I think I might need to abstain for a few weeks before I reintroduce drinking again, I don’t trust…
  • Hi there, My weigh day is on Wednesday. I’ve been struggling with my weight and body image for a very long time. I’m a working single mum to two children and struggle to make time to look after myself. I’m very unfit and overweight. I’m starting off by tracking my food, reducing how much wine I drink and walking more. It’s…