There is a great deal of misinformation on here I am on the Optavia 5/1 plan. I only order it every 8 weeks because right at 8 weeks is when you lose your premier discount, and it's more sustainable financially and practically as some days I just don't get 5 fuellings in. Each fuelling is $3, so on the 5/1 plan you're…
sounds like you're a bit paranoid from watching too many tv crime shows? My life works best - my weight is lowest - my energy is highest on HIGH CARB PLANT DIETS but drs.. the midwife.. the current chiro.. and a whole lot of bullies insist on high dead animal diets with pretty much no carbs, and it's depressing me. I can't…
Then what is the point of it exactly?? If anyone loses weight on it, it is because the diet is restrictive in calories. That's how anyone loses weight. Whether eating vegetables or twinkies. They may not set specific volume targets because most people who eat a standard volume of food eat less calories than they burn, but…
Savithny, are you talking about the other post I linked? I'm not going to comment on every line in her post, but that's clearly not what the actual plan (which I linked) says
I like egg and tomato ON TOAST>. not on their own
JUST TO BE CLEAR - this "lifestyle eating plan" (they call it) is not restrictive in volume.. its just restrictive in the list of very low carb, very hard to access vegetables.. and almost no fruits (lemons berries and apples are allowed) My normal diet consists of a lot of high sugar fruits like bananas, rambutans, and…
Yes I have a sister who is 15 years older than me who has been vegan pretty much her entire life and she had 2 healthy pregnancies.. I prefer vegan protein powders like rice protein or pea proteins.. I do want to see a dietician, but I want one who has good reviews and that's hard to find. I don't like any diet where…
I agree with you.. I'm happiest when I'm eating a lot of brown rice and potatos as the base of the meal and the other veggies around it. These "carbs are demons" people cause me a lot of anxst.. but they seem to be everywhere. 10 years ago everyone was educated enough to acknowledge that (whether you like it or not) vegan…
Nobody said anything about a low protein diet. It isn't low protein, and none of the links I provided say it is.