ToastmanvV Member


  • Hi Tim, I just realized that this is an open thread, so I tried to change my nick. Looks like it worked, should read "ToastmanvV" now, do you see that? Perhaps you can change / delete my name in your last post? Many thanks, cheers!
  • Hi Horstbc, thanks! I'm a 44 year old guy from the Netherlands. Started at 108 kg (238 lbs) on January 1st and looking to lose 20 kg (44 lbs) in 20 months, so 1 kg per month = 2,2 lbs per month. So my goal weight is 88 kg (194 lbs) on September 1st 2020. Lot's of twenties in my goals I now realize... :) My weight has been…
  • Hi guys, been searching the web for some male accountability buddies... This group looks promising, but I see you've been busy for a while. Can I still join in on the "fun" :)