Men on a Mission thread



  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    The snow in Western Washington has led to a desire to eat comfort food. Not good.
    It has been about a month since I checked in and I am down a little.

    LWW = 205.8
    CWW = 204.4
    Loss = 1.4
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I got some kind of stomach bug the first half of this week and it through off my fruit-and-vegetable eating goals. Thankfully, there was only a little fluctuation and I'm back on track today.

    LW: 253.4
    CW: 254.2

    Gain: 0.8 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hey guys,

    Hope you all are doing well. Been a little tough here with Mother Nature lately. I've been really sucking at my eating lately and Mother Nature had nothing to do with it unfortunately. I have GOT to do something to turn this nightmare train around. Wish me luck and thank you for sticking around and putting in your updates.

    LW 329.9
    CW 332.8
    Gain 2.9


  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I've stayed dead even since last week:

    LW: 254.2
    CW: 254.2

    Loss: 0 lbs

    Starting a 90-day workout challenge, so if I can pair that with healthy eating, it could be a good couple of months.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Still not doing well on the weight, but my NSV for the week is that I've done the first two weeks of my strength program and am feeling more energy from it (along with really sore muscles).

    LW: 254.2
    CW: 256.0

    Gain: 1.8 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men,

    Wow, nice being able to post a loss for a change. To be honest though, I actually went up to 334.2 over the last several weeks. Nice to get on the scale this weekend and see a 3 pound loss. Lots of yard work to thank for that. Getting to be that time of year when I'm able to get out and be much more active. I'm really looking forward to spring and summer and everything that comes along with it.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I didn't end up weighing myself this week but will be back on the train next week. Hopefully I'll be moving in the right direction again.
  • ToastmanvV
    ToastmanvV Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys, been searching the web for some male accountability buddies... This group looks promising, but I see you've been busy for a while. Can I still join in on the "fun" :)
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    edited March 2019
    Sure thing! Welcome to the group. What are your goals?
  • ToastmanvV
    ToastmanvV Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Horstbc, thanks! I'm a 44 year old guy from the Netherlands. Started at 108 kg (238 lbs) on January 1st and looking to lose 20 kg (44 lbs) in 20 months, so 1 kg per month = 2,2 lbs per month. So my goal weight is 88 kg (194 lbs) on September 1st 2020. Lot's of twenties in my goals I now realize... :)

    My weight has been up and down ever since my twenties when I gained a lot of weight during my student years. This time I'm playing a long game for once, hopefully this will lead to less disappointment about progress and more sustainable weight loss. This morning my weight was 105,9 kg (= 233,5 lbs), but I think this was a bit higher than to be expected due to salty dinner and water retention. Target for April 1st is below 104,4 kg (230,2 lbs).

    I've lost the cartilage in one of my ankles, so can't really do high impact sports. Looking to lose most of the weight through diet.

    But I did just join a gym for low impact sports, such as swimming, biking and weighttraining. My plan is to generally increase light activity during the day (some extra walking, 5 mins extra biking to work taking a detour, etc) and then do sports twice per week: one intensive bikeride (30+ mins) and one swimming session (30+ mins). Biking preferably outside, but the gym is there to remove any excuses if the weather is terrible :)

    Hope to hear your tips about what works for you and feel free to hold me accountable for my plans :) If I can support you guys in any way, let me know!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hi JoostvanVught and welcome aboard.

    I for one can definitely use all the motivation I can get. I'll get a chart up tomorrow or Thursday hopefully and I'll use your starting weight and last weigh in for the stats.

  • ToastmanvV
    ToastmanvV Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Tim, I just realized that this is an open thread, so I tried to change my nick. Looks like it worked, should read "ToastmanvV" now, do you see that? Perhaps you can change / delete my name in your last post? Many thanks, cheers!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    ToastmanvV wrote: »
    Hi Tim, I just realized that this is an open thread, so I tried to change my nick. Looks like it worked, should read "ToastmanvV" now, do you see that? Perhaps you can change / delete my name in your last post? Many thanks, cheers!

    I've got your new name now. Can't edit my old post any longer, but I'll make sure to get your name right on the chart. Again, Welcome!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hello men,

    Good news - We have a new member, ToastmanvV, and he is already the top loser for the week.

    Bad news - I'm in the gain column again. I honestly thought I was going to be slightly down this week. I've tried to up my walking and activity and have for the most part been successful now that Mother Nature is favoring my area with some beautiful weather. Unfortunately, I have a knee that at some point in the not too distant future needs to be replaced. My left knee was replaced in 2013. I've noticed the deterioration has taken a drastic upswing in the last couple of months. I'm wanting to lose at least 20 pounds before I go to the doctor though. My wife tells me I'm an idiot for thinking this way, but....

    Oh well, here's the chart. It's only Toast and I this week. Hope you all have a great week and Happy 1st day of Spring!!

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Sorry to hear about your knee, especially when you're starting to get the itch to be outside and active with the nicer weather.

    I gained several pounds this week and am at an all time high. It's disappointing but not unexpected the way I've been eating. I do have a NSV though: : I've been successful on my exercise program. Tomorrow is the end of my fourth week and I have more energy throughout the day and more endurance through the workouts themselves. I'm also recovering more quickly between workouts.

    LW: 256.0
    CW: 259.0

    Gain: 3 lbs

    I went for my first (very short and slow) run of 2019 this morning and am excited to finally have no snow or ice so I can work my way up again like I did last year. For this week, though, my focus has to be on eating better.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Last weekend I had a personal record breaking fitbit streak going. I had a 34,000 step day on Friday, 24,000 day on Saturday and just under 14,000 steps on Sunday. That's over 30 miles in 3 days. After all that, I'm pretty much at the same weight. WTF!

    Horstbc, do you want me to put 259 as your starting weight?

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Sure, I'll take 259 as my starting weight. It'll make my numbers look way better when I catch back up!

    LW: 259.0
    CW: 256.8

    Loss: 2.2 lbs

    We're expecting baby #3 in October, so I'm hoping to have my habits well set by then. It'll be harder to make healthy changes once I'm not sleeping much, but I hope I can continue on existing good habits.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I've been eating doing a much better job of eating well for the past week, and starting yesterday, I'm trying a month of nutrisystem to help reset my eating habits. The first week significantly reduces calories (to an almost ridiculously low level), so it'll be interesting to see what kind of initial dip my weight takes in response.

    LW: 256.8
    CW: 252.4

    Loss: 4.4

    For the first week of nutrisystem, while they have the calorie intake so low, they recommend not working out. Surprisingly, I'm really disappointed to not be able to do my workout program because I was enjoying it so much.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Horst, awesome loss this week. I'm really interested in seeing how well you do on nutrisystem too.

    No update or chart this week. I'm at the hospital now. Daughter is finally in delivery. Her due date was Wednesday, but baby decided to wait a little extra.

    Afterwards I'll be running to urgent care for myself. Been feeling under the weather and allergies are kicking my butt.

    Hope you all are having a great day.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning Guys,

    It has been an exceptionally tough week for me. My family was blessed Friday night with the arrival of my new grandson into the world. Unfortunately it was a pretty difficult delivery for my daughter that I won't go into details on, but everyone is now home and happy and doing great!

    Saturday I finally made myself go to the doctor. It's been over 3 years since I last saw a doctor and I stupidly haven't been on my needed BP and cholesterol meds since they expired 3 years ago. Needless to say, my BP is through the roof. I'm sure my cholesterol is too, but they couldn't test for that as it required me fasting. I just went to the Urgent Care to get checked out. Also had to schedule a new primary care doctor as I was dropped for not seeing my last after such a long period (routine).

    Anyways, starting on the DASH plan and incorporating the Mediterranean diet. We'll see how this goes.
