Men on a Mission thread



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Copied from my home page:

    "You know, in life they say that 1 "Aw *kitten*" moment outweighs a whole bunch of "Atta boys." It appears that the same holds true for weight loss. 1 or 2 not so good days can totally ruin a couple of great days.

    I was fairly certain and hoping that I would be looking at a 2-3 pound loss this week. A bit surprised when I stood on the scale this morning to see no change."


    Nice job buddy on keeping the weight off that you lost while under the weather and adding another .4 pound to your loss column.

  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    Sorry for the late check in, skipped my mind yesterday morning after working my 5th 12 hour shift in a row.... anyhow I'm happy to report that I finally broke my 3 weeks of nothing happening with a decent loss. Here are my numbers for the week -
    LW: 264.0 (5/15/15)
    CW: 262.2 (5/23/15)
    Loss: 1.8
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Great loss this week whorehey! Now take a day off from work:)

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Not a good week - too much holiday salt & sugar.

    CWW = 204.0
    LWW = 202.9
    Gain = 1.1

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Tim - concur with the one "oh #@#$" equaling 100 Atta boys even in weight loss.
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    Taking a minute to check in, have a great weekend everybody...
    LW: 262.2 (5/23/15)
    CW: 262.4 (5/29/15)
    Gain: 0.2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Looks like the 3 of us are in the same boat this week. Just that my end of the boat is a little deeper in the water. Oh well, I'm expecting the 3 of us to pick it up this week and we'll see a totally different color on the chart next week. Have a great weekend guys.

    LW 316.4
    CW 318
    Gain 1.7

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Good morning all,

    I hope everyone is having a great week. I really paid attention to my eating this week and it has paid off. I had a 3 pound loss. Woo Hoo!!

    LW 318
    CW 315
    Loss 3 pounds
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    Way to go Tim!! I'm also happy to check in with a loss this week, here are my numbers...
    LW: 262.4 (5/29/15) 
    CW: 261.4 (5/5/15) 
    Loss: 1.0
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Great job Tim and whorehey! Me not so good.

    CWW= 204.8
    LWW = 204.0
    Gain 0.8

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Nice loss this week whorehey! No worries Dave, bet you will be in the loss column next week. Have a great week guys!!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Okay Let's do this thing! Starting off fresh as though today is the first day. 330.6 is my official weigh in today. Baby steps. I've gained back 33-lbs, gone up two sizes to 44's and have heart and breathing issues now on top of my BP going into outer-space. Been waking up in the 180's/mid 120's. am back on 6 meds and a patch. I have gotta get in gear, or I'm going to pop a top and is a scary thought.
    Please kick my butt if I'm not getting on here regularly, Thanks team MOAM
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Steve, I am so glad to have you back! I hate that it is for this reason but that is why we are all here. Like I said on your home page, we all go through these ups and downs. I had gained back everything plus a little before kicking myself in the butt back in January. I've since lost 25 pounds. I'm not doing it as fast as the last time, but I think I'm doing it smarter this time around. I'm still on cholesterol and BP meds but my last blood work was simply amazing in the progress I made in about a 3 month time period.

    I don't get quite as much exercise as I would like, due to life getting in the way, so I focus on nutrition. I started seeing a dietician/nutritionist. She first just had me counting calories and logging just like normal. Then I started counting carbs and limiting myself to how many carbs per meal I could have. Carbs are not like calories where you may want to bank them during the day to splurge later. I'm now trying to limit sugars (fruit included).

    So lets do this! whorehey and Dave are still here and will surely support you like they have me all this time. I couldn't do this without them to keep me going.

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome back Steve. As Tim said it's ups and downs - - and a lot of plateaus. Tim - congrats on the 25 pound loss since Jan!

    Checking in for this week:
    CWW = 200.4
    LWW = 204.8
    Loss = 4.4

    That's my biggest loss for a long time. Hopefully it will motivate me to get out of this just above 200 plateau.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Holy Moly Dave, that is fantastic!!! Great job on a huge loss this week!!!

    LW 315
    CW 313.5
    Loss 1.5
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    Just checking in before I forget, have a great weekend everybody...
    LW: 261.4 (6/5/15)
    CW: 260.8 (6/12/15)
    Loss: 0.6
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Woo Hoo, I love it when all of us are in the loss column!!! Way to go whorehey! I'm hoping Steve might put an update in, so will wait on posting the chart. Nice job gentlemen. :)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited June 2015
    Great job on everyone posting a loss this week! Dave, you are a Rock Star!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Great losses everyone! I'll have to start checking in earlier. 2.8lbs down LW330.6 CW 227.8. My page says 2.2 because i forgot to add the .6 to the check in last week. Been a tough week, with poor logging, but it's going in the right direction. Last week was a six day work week, so I'm surprised I made any headway. :-) I'm breathing better this week, so hoping to start exercising this week.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Better late than never Steve. Congrats on an outstanding week. If you don't mind me being a pest, I'll gladly provide that pointed cowboy boot motivation and reminder. Here is the updated chart.
