tryn2losebig Member


  • Ok i didn't make AF popped the top on my first beer of the day. I only bought two so that's worth something😒😒
  • Hi all i just stumbled upon this community group and I'm so happy i did. I've been an everyday drinker for about the last two years. I stopped drinking once for 23 days last month it was the longest I've went in a very long time. My goal was to go for 30 days. So I'm starting again to be AF and reading some of the post…
  • Hi all my name is Jennifer and I'm starting again on my weight loss journey after countless fails. I'm 36 years old 5'2 and 268lbs. My short term goal is to lose 20lbs by my bday next month. I plan on doing the slim fast diet and walking at least 3 days out of the week. I've used this app before but I've never posted…