Less Alcohol - March 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,651 Member
    @BuffMom84 a little bored is better than a lot of hung over. Your making great progress in my eyes.

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,651 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy have you hit your monthly goal of AF days already? With still a week in March to go? Woot woot!
  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    today’s plan. Don't buy a bottle.
    3/7 – well its been 34 hours without my whiskey.
    3/8 – 58 hours AF
    3/9 – AF
    3/10 – 1/5th whiskey
    3/11 - AF
    3/12 - AF
    3/13 – AF
    3/14 – AF
    3/15 – AF
    3/16 – AF – 6 full days. Mission accomplished. If I chose to drink tomorrow, I am okay with it
    3/17 – I plan on having drinks today after grocery shopping!
    3/18 – well yesterday was un-productive. Oh well I guess I have all week to get things done. Back to the plan!!!
    3/19 – AF – cravings are kinds going away but I did get my fix on Sunday.
    3/20 – AF again yesterday. Checked BP last night and I am spiking again. Probably from drinking on Sunday and going through withdrawal again.
    3/21 – AF yesterday! - wanted to drink but for 2 reasons I did not. 1. Didn’t want to fail again. 2. Didn’t want to show weakness and ask the wife for the 2 bottles I did not finish last Sunday. Stupid man pride!!!
    3/22 – AF yesterday – I would have thought each day sober would get easier. WRONG. I am not counting the days sober, rather I am counting the days until my plan allows me to have a drink and feel good again.
    3/23 – fricken AF last night again. Sick child turned 21 the other day and made it out to legally purchase adult beverages. Of course, the wife joined in while I sat and wished it was a drinking night for myself.
    3/24 – AF yesterday, today is my one day a week I allow myself to drink freely. My 2 goals today are wait till noon to drink, and to get enough to sleep and feel good, bloody Mary is just a couple hours away. yippee
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,807 Member
    My goals for March will be the same as the previous months - 4 AF days per week. I have found it to be a realistic goal for me. I hit my goal in February (and surpassed it a little). Daily accountability is good. I was a daily drinker before making this resolve.
    I log the next morning usually.

    March 01 - 3 drinks - yes, chose to do that because I have a free Saturday to sleep in, basically no responsibilities or commitments. I had a very busy week and it was so nice to finally kick back, have a great dinner and a few drinks.
    March 02 - AF
    March 03 - AF
    March 04 - AF
    March 05 - AF - technically my goal of 4AF for the week.
    March 06 - AF
    March 07 - 3 drinks
    March 08 - 3 drinks - time to rack up some more AF days. I think that I broke that good advice on here not to have drinks 2 days in a row. It too quickly can fall back into a habit that I don't want to go back to.
    March 09 - AF
    March 10 - AF
    March 11 - AF - now to get the scale to move!
    March 12 - AF - I really really wanted to have cocktails last night, but also didn't want to look puffy, so vanity won out : - )
    March 13 - 3 drinks. Those of you who have seen me on here before know that I throw up if I exceed 3 : - )
    March 14 - AF
    March 15 - AF - This is all about weight loss for me. Seriously, not a day goes by that I don't want to have drinks of one kind or another, but I want to lose weight more! Company coming, I don't know if I will imbibe or not, but I have been pretty "good" this month so far.
    March 16 - AF - Planning on drinks for Sunday
    March 17 - 2 Gin Martinis, 1/3 - 1/2 of a bottle of wine (shared between 3 people, but I might have had more than the other 2 people.
    March 18 - AF
    March 19 - AF
    March 20 - AF - Planned night out Thursday
    March 21 - Wine before and during dinner (2 glasses) 2 drinks later
    March 22 - AF
    March 23 - 2 drinks, 1 beer

    16 AF days out of 23 days so far
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,807 Member
    My goals for March will be the same as the previous months - 4 AF days per week. I have found it to be a realistic goal for me. I hit my goal in February (and surpassed it a little). Daily accountability is good. I was a daily drinker before making this resolve.
    I log the next morning usually.

    March 01 - 3 drinks - yes, chose to do that because I have a free Saturday to sleep in, basically no responsibilities or commitments. I had a very busy week and it was so nice to finally kick back, have a great dinner and a few drinks.
    March 02 - AF
    March 03 - AF
    March 04 - AF
    March 05 - AF - technically my goal of 4AF for the week.
    March 06 - AF
    March 07 - 3 drinks
    March 08 - 3 drinks - time to rack up some more AF days. I think that I broke that good advice on here not to have drinks 2 days in a row. It too quickly can fall back into a habit that I don't want to go back to.
    March 09 - AF
    March 10 - AF
    March 11 - AF - now to get the scale to move!
    March 12 - AF - I really really wanted to have cocktails last night, but also didn't want to look puffy, so vanity won out : - )
    March 13 - 3 drinks. Those of you who have seen me on here before know that I throw up if I exceed 3 : - )
    March 14 - AF
    March 15 - AF - This is all about weight loss for me. Seriously, not a day goes by that I don't want to have drinks of one kind or another, but I want to lose weight more! Company coming, I don't know if I will imbibe or not, but I have been pretty "good" this month so far.
    March 16 - AF - Planning on drinks for Sunday
    March 17 - 2 Gin Martinis, 1/3 - 1/2 of a bottle of wine (shared between 3 people, but I might have had more than the other 2 people.
    March 18 - AF
    March 19 - AF
    March 20 - AF - Planned night out Thursday
    March 21 - Wine before and during dinner (2 glasses) 2 drinks later
    March 22 - AF
    March 23 - 2 drinks, 1 beer
    March 24 - AF

    17 AF days out of 24 days so far
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,957 Member
    March accountability ~25 days so far
    No Alcohol: 13 days
    Alcohol: 12 days (21 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 4 per week / 16 per month

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell
    Including the last few days of February to monitor my weekly goal which I missed this time around.
    Feb 25 - AF
    Feb 26 - 2 glasses of wine
    Feb 27 - AF
    Feb 28 - AF - @ fishing camp for long weekend which is always a challenge!
    Mar 1 - 2 glasses of wine
    Mar 2 - 2 glasses of wine
    Mar 3 - 2 glasses of wine - driving this evening 5 hrs but then unexpected dinner at my sisters afterwards for spaghetti & wine

    It was a rough week of challenges but managed to pull together 4 of 7 days AF!
    Mar 4 - 2 glasses of wine - DH picked up a bottle for dinner
    Mar 5 - AF: Don’t order alcohol on plane even though you have free drink tickets! DH did but I ordered bloody mary mix instead. Then at dinner after we landed I drank water while he had wine.
    Mar 6 - 2 glasses of Albariño (white spanish wine). San Francisco: One glass at each restaurant we explored (Hog Island Oyster Co & Coqueta 5 Spanish tapas) and NO nightcap back at the hotel!
    Mar 7 - 1 beer - DH's sales rep had a beer waiting for me when I joined them after I strolled through the San Fran MOMA for 4 hours. No will power to turn it away when sitting in 3rd Street Tap Room.
    DH & I made a pact no alcohol for the rest of Lent which will commence for us Friday! This will be very challenging for the both of us.
    Mar 8 - AF
    Mar 9 - AF
    Mar 10 - AF

    Easier this week ... fewer challenges and 5 of 7 days AF as a result.
    Mar 11 - AF
    Mar 12 - 2 glasses of wine - alumnae meeting
    Mar 13 - AF
    Mar 14 - AF
    Mar 15 - AF
    Mar 16 - 1 beer - Texas Street Grill after hiking
    Mar 17 - AF

    Challenging week ahead. NYC 3 nights & fishing camp 3 nights.
    Mar 18 - AF - Book Club
    Mar 19 - 1 glass wine @ dinner NYC (none on plane)
    Mar 20 - 3 glasses wine - NYC; carafe of wine for 3 people @ John’s Pizzeria Times Square, then another glass at rooftop bar which I should have skipped
    Mar 21 - 2 glasses wine - NYC; HH at Fig & Olive
    Mar 22 - AF @ camp
    Mar 23 - AF @ camp
    Mar 24 - 1 beer @ camp
    Mar 25 - AF
    Mar 26 -
    Mar 27 - Sisterhood Wine Wednesday (I’m in charge of the event): Plan 1 glass wine
    Mar 28 -
    Mar 29 -
    Mar 30 -
    Mar 31 -
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,807 Member
    My goals for March will be the same as the previous months - 4 AF days per week. I have found it to be a realistic goal for me. I hit my goal in February (and surpassed it a little). Daily accountability is good. I was a daily drinker before making this resolve.
    I log the next morning usually.

    March 01 - 3 drinks - yes, chose to do that because I have a free Saturday to sleep in, basically no responsibilities or commitments. I had a very busy week and it was so nice to finally kick back, have a great dinner and a few drinks.
    March 02 - AF
    March 03 - AF
    March 04 - AF
    March 05 - AF - technically my goal of 4AF for the week.
    March 06 - AF
    March 07 - 3 drinks
    March 08 - 3 drinks - time to rack up some more AF days. I think that I broke that good advice on here not to have drinks 2 days in a row. It too quickly can fall back into a habit that I don't want to go back to.
    March 09 - AF
    March 10 - AF
    March 11 - AF - now to get the scale to move!
    March 12 - AF - I really really wanted to have cocktails last night, but also didn't want to look puffy, so vanity won out : - )
    March 13 - 3 drinks. Those of you who have seen me on here before know that I throw up if I exceed 3 : - )
    March 14 - AF
    March 15 - AF - This is all about weight loss for me. Seriously, not a day goes by that I don't want to have drinks of one kind or another, but I want to lose weight more! Company coming, I don't know if I will imbibe or not, but I have been pretty "good" this month so far.
    March 16 - AF - Planning on drinks for Sunday
    March 17 - 2 Gin Martinis, 1/3 - 1/2 of a bottle of wine (shared between 3 people, but I might have had more than the other 2 people.
    March 18 - AF
    March 19 - AF
    March 20 - AF - Planned night out Thursday
    March 21 - Wine before and during dinner (2 glasses) 2 drinks later
    March 22 - AF
    March 23 - 2 drinks, 1 beer
    March 24 - AF
    March 25 - AF

    18 AF days out of 25 days so far
  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    today’s plan. Don't buy a bottle.
    3/7 – well its been 34 hours without my whiskey.
    3/8 – 58 hours AF
    3/9 – AF
    3/10 – 1/5th whiskey
    3/11 - AF
    3/12 - AF
    3/13 – AF
    3/14 – AF
    3/15 – AF
    3/16 – AF
    3/17 – I plan on having drinks today after grocery shopping!
    3/18 – AF
    3/19 – AF
    3/20 – AF again yesterday.
    3/21 – AF yesterday!
    3/22 – AF yesterday
    3/23 – fricken AF last night again.
    3/24 – AF
    3/25 – AF
    3/26 – AF – I have noticed an un-controllable hunger on days without my adult beverage. So hungry!
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,957 Member
    March accountability ~26 days so far
    No Alcohol: 14 days
    Alcohol: 12 days (21 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 4 per week / 16 per month

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell
    What a big change in my life … 2016-2018 I could not count my AF days … it was 2-5 glasses per night or other alcohol drink usually 6-7 nights per week. Loving the change I’ve made in 2019 and it is helping the numbers on the scale go down.

    Including the last few days of February to monitor my weekly goal which I missed this time around.
    Feb 25 - AF
    Feb 26 - 2 glasses of wine
    Feb 27 - AF
    Feb 28 - AF - @ fishing camp for long weekend which is always a challenge!
    Mar 1 - 2 glasses of wine
    Mar 2 - 2 glasses of wine
    Mar 3 - 2 glasses of wine - driving this evening 5 hrs but then unexpected dinner at my sisters afterwards for spaghetti & wine

    It was a rough week of challenges but managed to pull together 4 of 7 days AF!
    Mar 4 - 2 glasses of wine - DH picked up a bottle for dinner
    Mar 5 - AF: Don’t order alcohol on plane even though you have free drink tickets! DH did but I ordered bloody mary mix instead. Then at dinner after we landed I drank water while he had wine.
    Mar 6 - 2 glasses of Albariño (white spanish wine). San Francisco: One glass at each restaurant we explored (Hog Island Oyster Co & Coqueta 5 Spanish tapas) and NO nightcap back at the hotel!
    Mar 7 - 1 beer - DH's sales rep had a beer waiting for me when I joined them after I strolled through the San Fran MOMA for 4 hours. No will power to turn it away when sitting in 3rd Street Tap Room.
    DH & I made a pact no alcohol for the rest of Lent which will commence for us Friday! This will be very challenging for the both of us.
    Mar 8 - AF
    Mar 9 - AF
    Mar 10 - AF

    Easier this week ... fewer challenges and 5 of 7 days AF as a result.
    Mar 11 - AF
    Mar 12 - 2 glasses of wine - alumnae meeting
    Mar 13 - AF
    Mar 14 - AF
    Mar 15 - AF
    Mar 16 - 1 beer - Texas Street Grill after hiking
    Mar 17 - AF

    Challenging week ahead. NYC 3 nights & fishing camp 3 nights.
    Mar 18 - AF - Book Club
    Mar 19 - 1 glass wine @ dinner NYC (none on plane)
    Mar 20 - 3 glasses wine - NYC; carafe of wine for 3 people @ John’s Pizzeria Times Square, then another glass at rooftop bar which I should have skipped
    Mar 21 - 2 glasses wine - NYC; HH at Fig & Olive
    Mar 22 - AF @ camp
    Mar 23 - AF @ camp
    Mar 24 - 1 beer @ camp
    Mar 25 - AF
    Mar 26 - AF
    Mar 27 - Sisterhood Wine Wednesday (I’m in charge): Plan 1 glass wine
    Mar 28 -
    Mar 29 -
    Mar 30 -
    Mar 31 -
  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    today’s plan. Don't buy a bottle.
    3/7 – well its been 34 hours without my whiskey.
    3/8 – 58 hours AF
    3/9 – AF
    3/10 – 1/5th whiskey
    3/11 - AF
    3/12 - AF
    3/13 – AF
    3/14 – AF
    3/15 – AF
    3/16 – AF
    3/17 – I plan on having drinks today after grocery shopping!
    3/18 – AF
    3/19 – AF
    3/20 – AF again yesterday.
    3/21 – AF yesterday!
    3/22 – AF yesterday
    3/23 – fricken AF last night again.
    3/24 – AF
    3/25 – AF
    3/26 – AF – I have noticed an un-controllable hunger on days without my adult beverage. So hungry!
    3/27 – AF – stick to the plan!!!