kadurden Member


  • Hi Ashley! Add me! I'm looking for friends, too. The more the merrier!
  • Hi Jenn! I'm right there with you. Been trying to log my food in my head, and failing miserably! I'm not doing Keto, though. Add me as a friend and we can encourage each other!
    in Hello ! Comment by kadurden April 2019
  • Hi! Welcome. You're in the right place. Many like minded people sharing similar struggles. Easy to get started. Enter your profile and your goals, like what is your current weight and how much do you want to lose. Start logging your food and exercise. All food and drink, by volume. It's tremendous way really understand the…
  • I'm right there with you! Back again at this site - feels brand new. Definitely committed this time, not just to my own success, but I want to be more engaged with others that want to travel the same path to being the best of ourselves. Cheers!
  • "Discipline is just choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST" Keep logging the food, and reading the posts. We'll get there together!
  • Ladies, great conversations! Really happy to see motivational ideas and goals. This is the first thread that I've found on MFP that is positive, supportive, funny, and KIND. More power to all of the wise women of the world. Goal for April: Log MFP every day Exercise 3 times a week Eat consciously (especially difficult when…
  • Would love to have another fitness friend. I'm determined to lose this extra 30 lb troll that I'm currently carrying around. Add me, too.
  • Thank you for your suggestions and words of encouragement. I am feeling very encouraged to have comrades who have had, or are having, a similar experience.