

  • SORRY i just havent seen my ticker in a long time and want to see my progress on it
    in hello Comment by minx88xl August 2011
  • hiya, When i started the mini pill i put on about 2 stone (however i wasnt exercising or eating well). They say its a rare side effect but from talking to my female buddies its actually quite common. Unfortunately i have no idea myself what to do when hitting a plateu. Hope that helps in some way Laura :)
  • Im a counsellor (in training). However im a person centred student, meaning that we try and enable you to change your own life and work out your own problems, so if you have no idea why i might not be the best person for you. But im happy to talk to anyone! Laura
  • I do wii exercies using a game called EA Active, it gives me a list of exercises that are going to be included in the work out so i can remove the ones i cant do, it also includes rest days where it wont let you do too much so its pretty good for me. I also do yoga, the slow one, nothing too extreme!
  • Hello This recipe sounds amazing! I was just wondering if anyone knows what the UK version of angel food cake is? Thanks Laura