Any ladies here have experience with the mini pill?

I began taking the mini pill on 11/18 and since then I haven't lost any weight at all. Granted I slacked during Thanksgiving but I've done everything right for the past week; staying under my calorie goal, changing up my exercise routine, drinking tons of water, and logging every bite. There were a few days my sodium was a little high and I had one mixed drink on friday (diet coke and rum). The scale just will not budge. I've never had a true plateau before I started the mini pill so I'm pretty frustrated. My clothes are still fitting the same as well. So I was wondering if anyone else has had difficulty losing weight while taking the mini pill? I've read that gaining weight is one of the less common or rare side effects.


  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I don't have any experience with the mini pill - sorry :( But if you've hit a plateau - whether it's caused by the pill or not - maybe you could try mixing up your workout routine. I'm not sure what you do for exercise, but if you run, try swimming...if you do an exercise video, try something different. If you lift weights, try different exercises or lifting less/heavier or more/lighter.

    I know plateaus are frustrating...good luck breaking through yours! I know you can do it!
  • minx88xl
    When i started the mini pill i put on about 2 stone (however i wasnt exercising or eating well). They say its a rare side effect but from talking to my female buddies its actually quite common. Unfortunately i have no idea myself what to do when hitting a plateu.
    Hope that helps in some way
    Laura :)
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I slacked off on exercise for a while. Now I switch between cardio and strength training every other day. On my cardio days I like to use the stairmaster at the gym or go to yoga class. On my strength training days I lift weights with my hubby and do some fast walking on the treadmill to get my heart rate up.