lark1964 Member


  • You need to have an understanding of the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetics should *not* fast, for many physiological reasons, just as they should also not consume processed sugar. An organic apple juice or cider, btw, is not a processed sugar, it's a juice from a fruit, with naturally…
  • A 36 hour fast drops my glucose down to 90-95. I fast Sundays and Wednesdays, actually from 7pm Saturday until Monday 7am, and 7pm Tuesday until 7am Thursday. And then I eat sensibly the rest of the week. I am "allowed" to have a glass of wine or - OR - a dessert on Saturday, that is my only indulgence time, the rest of…
  • There's a book by Dr. Jason Fung, he's from Canada, he has a clinic, he helps people with dietary issues - lots of diabetics - who are trying to wean off their meds and he uses fasting. He has written a couple of books, they're available online as well as bound, and he has a web-site. And it's free to access his web-site,…
  • Fast, simple. 1 jar of Goya medium verde salsa. 3 pounds (ish) of boneless chicken breast. 1 tbl olive oil, heat it just a tad, put the chicken breasts on high for about 10 minutes until they get a little bit cooked, and then pour in the salsa, put the heat at about medium. Let it simmer for about 1.5 hours. It will be…
  • Howdy. Ketogenesis is about bringing your body back into focus. And I'm a little frustrated that this daily listing doesn't allow for a fasting day. I've fasted three times in the past month, fasting today, and if I were to enter my exercise and the amount of water, green tea, and nothing else I consume, the app would yell…