drmwc Member


  • We need jungle, I'm afraid https://youtu.be/isiVdlz8bDY?si=MhXZWVTxQTeWKvJo
  • Climbing. 2.5 hours. We did a fun drill. You find an intense climb you expect to get. You climb it as many times as possible in 5 minutes, doing press ups between reps. You rest for 5 minutes, and then do the same on another climb. We repeated 6 times, so that it took 60 minutes. With warm up and stretching , it was 150…
  • Blood pressure varies throughout the day. I personally get white coat hypertension; I am scared of doctors. So medical readings can be slightly high for me. So a single systolic reading of 120 doesn't sound alarming. However I am not a medical doctor, I am a random chap on the internet.
  • Climbing, 2 hours. Gravity was back to normal; it was really good fun. It is always a relief to mind that really bad form was just transitory. This gym (Yellow Spider, previously called Craggy Island) is easily the most friendly of the London gyms. Maybe it's because it is more local, so the same people go regularly.
  • Sunday Lifting. Carried on my linear progression from very light weights. (Squat 70 kgs, deadlift 90 kgs, bench 40 kgs, loads of hang boarding). Monday Climbing. I was in terrible form and fell off everything. My attempt at a bay hang was fun, though - I'd never even tried one before. (You hang upside down from your legs…
  • I got my first two scuba dives of the year in. It was just in a quarry, so no yoi exciting. The air temperature was nice (12 centigrade), but the water was a distinctly bracing 5C. Two dives, both shallow (15m max), both around 45 minutes.
  • I lifted last night. It was my first lifting session in a while. I use free weights, which I keep in my shed. I had a bunch of miscellaneous nonsense in my shed recently, whilst my kitchen was being rebuilt. The kitchen is now done, so I can use the shed again. (@mtararoot , I have virtually no experience with machines,…
  • I normally spray my coffee (always for espresso, less reliably for filter). It is known as the Ross Droplet Technique (RDT). It reduces static, so slightly improves consistency. There was a recent academic article on it https://www.cell.com/matter/fulltext/S2590-2385(23)00568-4 Some coffee Youtubers did various summaries,…
  • Climbing, 3 hours. Good fun. I was stronger than normal. I was good at thuggy, strength based climbs; normally I find them hard, but they've been easier the last few sessions.
  • I don't really make traditional cold brew. I have a widget I keep in my freezer I can plop pour over through for very nice ice coffee. (One of these: https://shop.squaremilecoffee.com/products/coldwave) Here is my espresso corner of my dining room: This is mid-shot. (The Decent machine has an Android tablet on top of it,…
  • I get 700g of beans delivered each week (350g espresso; 350g filter). I use Square Mile, a London company, who send a different type each week. My favourite is probably relatively acidic light roasted ones, like Kenyans. I do like a naturally processed one now and again, but I wouldn't want all my coffee natural. (Most is…
  • Friday was climbing. I was not in good form, Ialthough I was OK at slab. (Slab is not real climbing .) Saturday was domestic nonsense, which entailed moving loads of furniture. Sunday was a day off exercise, so I did a 10 mile walk around Frensham Little Pond. It is a bit of Surrey that looks like the Highlands of…
  • Yesterday was a rest day, so 6 miles' walk and 750 metres relatively slow swim.
  • That Smart BMI thing seems to think I should gain a little weight. I think I disagree; I climb worse when I'm bigger. I personally think Roy Taylor's approach is sensible; what is healthy varies a lot by person; hence there is a Personal Fat Threshold one should not exceed. I know a BMI of 27 is unhealthy for me; and 21…
  • @AwesomeSquirrel Where do you climb? I tend to do a lot of indoor bouldering these days, as I live just outside London and there loads of gyms, so it's convenient.
  • I really am pretty poor at logging. Here is some recent stuff: Wednesday Climbing, 3 hours. It was a high gravity days; I was out of form. Friday Climbing, 3.5 hours. Decent, I got a load of v3s and one v4. I also probably did around 12 miles' walking; due to a slight miscalculation about where the gym was. <Non-temporal…
  • I went climbing on Saturday. I didn't really warm up, and by a strange coincidence I was really bad for the first hour or so. I then improved massively, flashed a load of v3s; and got loads of v4s. I cheated on one (you start at a strand angle with your left foot on the same hold as the left hand). I couldn't immediately…
  • Here are a coupe of pictures from the Via Ferrata. The first is the wire bridge, where I went too slowly initially. That caused a lot of wobble; it got a lot better when I speeded up after that. The second is on the rock; that was all very chilled out. All the climbing was easy. There were a couple of ovehangs, but they…
  • I have been active recently, but poor at logging. Here is some recent stuff: 29 December I flew to Barcelona to visit my brother. Yellow Spider, a climbing gym, is sort of en route to Gatwick. So I stopped off for a 2.5 hour climb before the flight. It was good, I was in form 30 December I visited the Sharma climbing gym…
  • I flashed a v4 at climbing recently. It's not much; but it is definitely progress. I had blood work done recently (covering lipids, blood count, liver function and kidney function.) Everything was in the normal range, with some things like LDL cholesterol bring pretty low. This is in contrast to 5.5 years ago, pre-diet,…
  • @laurachambers86 nice, I'm in Epsom so we are pretty close. I went climbing today. We practiced dynamic movement (running and jumping to launch ourselves at holds.) It was really good fun; I was actually moving pretty well. I have no idea what grade I got, as we made up our own moves. If we nailed it, we then aimed at…
  • Logging is hrad. I've been active, swimming most days when I've not climbed. Saturday was fun. A bunch of us met up to climb early. I was in the best form for a while, getting 3 v4s. One was a fingertip away from a flash. (I redid the move with a pop to get it second time.) Today was a very hilly, very muddy 13 mile walk.…
  • I went climbing on Tuesday. I wasn't in very good form, although I did get one long term project. (I must have tried the climb close to 50 times before sending it). I went climbing today. It was really good fun, I got a load of projects. I skipped about 8 holds on one pumpy, overhanging 6B+. (A couple of dynos did the…
  • My drysuit is an O'Three, which is a UK company. They are based in Portland, Dorset; where I do loads of diving; so it is convenient for repairs. I have a silicon neck seal, but latex wrist seals. I also went for dry gloves, so if the wrist seals leak it could take me a while to spot. (The gloves seal with o-rings over the…
  • @mtaratoot Do you have a silicon neck seal? I've got one; being able to replace it myself is dead handy. Climbing was fun yesterday. We practiced dynos; I was moving quite well Work offered discounter gym memberships, so I joined one with the vague plan of swimming before work. Today was the first day of the plan; I went…
  • My COVID meant I felt bad mid-week, with mild cold symptoms. By Saturday. I felt fine. I figured walking outside was low risk for others, so I did a 12 mile walk. On Sunday, I did 15 miles. I tested negative today, so I'll go for a climb later.
  • I went climbing yesterday. It was fun; I got a few and fell off more. I tested myself for COVID today; I'm positive. So I guess I've won a week off climbing and a month off diving. (A few people from the weekend's diving trip were positive, so I thought I should test. I'm asymptomatic so far.)
  • I went scuba diving in a quarry in Somerset this weekend. It's not my favourite thing (the sea is better); but quite a few people from my club needed training. It was fun. The water temperature was OK (around 10 Centigrade), although it was cold outside. There was a frost on Saturday which never thawed; it was between -2…
  • Climbing, 2.5 hours. A good session; I was in form. I even got a double dyno in three attempts. (This is where you jump for the hold and briefly have zero points of contact on the wall.) Someone was telling me to try to statically lank it, but I was too short for that. And jumping is more fun, even if I am terrible at it.
  • I went for a walk, getting a bit carried away and doing slightly over 20 miles. I had an early lunch before leaving, so I didn't stop (other than to pee).