drmwc Member


  • Climbing, 2.5 hours. A good session; I was in form. I even got a double dyno in three attempts. (This is where you jump for the hold and briefly have zero points of contact on the wall.) Someone was telling me to try to statically lank it, but I was too short for that. And jumping is more fun, even if I am terrible at it.
  • I went for a walk, getting a bit carried away and doing slightly over 20 miles. I had an early lunch before leaving, so I didn't stop (other than to pee).
  • Happy birthday @AnnPT77. Friday Climbing. 2.5 hours. I got a of the climbs I was hoping to get, but it was all a bit of a struggle. Some took me many, many goes. Saturday Climbing, 3 hours. I expected to be terrible, as I've been going more frequently than optimal recently. (I was still had a forearm pump when I woke up )…
  • Monday Climbing, 2 hours. Good fun; a few if us concentrated on getting a load of volume done. Tuesday Climbing, 2 hours. Again; good fun and I go I some reasonably hard routes. Wednesday Yoga, 1 hour .
  • I have been active recently, but poor at logging. Yesterday was a scuba dive on South coast. 27m deep, 45 minutes with 7 miutes deco. It was pitch black with loads of crud in the water. This made all the local critters behave really differently. Two lobsters came running towards our torches, for example. I think they…
  • Caving. We did Waterwheel Swallet. It's a sporting little cave. You descend steeply to a phreatic tube, about 80 cm diameter. The water level in the tube was reasonably low, although it had a couple of ducks where I needed to hold my breath. The tube is about 35 metres long. This leads to a 7m pitch to a pool, which has…
  • Caving in Mendips. The logistics didn't pan out for a massive trip. So we had a pootle around the top of Swildon's; going down every hole to see how it all linked up. It was damp and tight.
  • Climbing; 3hours. It was a mixed session. I was terrible at slab, which I'm normally good at. I was good at dynos and thuggy overhangs, which I'm normally terrible at. There was one dyno I was very pleased to get; quite a far jump with a single hand catch.
  • Sunday I went climbing. It was fun. I was in pretty good form. 2.75 hours. Monday I went climbing. It was training, we focused on intensity. I was in OK form; the session was flat out. 2 hours.
  • I went running on Tuesday. I don't know why; I don't really like running. I did 7k. I went climbing on Wednesday. I was out of form; I felt unrecovered from Monday. I got a one v4 and a couple of new v3s, though. 2.5 hour session; Fitbit reckons I'm on 500 active minutes for the week already.
  • It was my birthday. (I'm 52 now). So I went scuba diving over a long weekend in Cornwall. It was cracking. On the Sunday, we had: Thornback rays, blond rays, cuttlefish, dogfish (including a baby), angry crabs pursuing us, loads of shrimp, scallops, lobster and conger eels. We were blown out yesterday, do I go home early…
  • I got a cold. I decided to recover by having a three hour climbing session on Monday. It was fun; I was reasonably powerful. I found a bathang from a kneebar in a cave. I didn't really need to rest at that point; but I was so comfortable I hanged upside down for a good while. Today. I did an hour's yoga.
  • I went climbing for 3 hours, and accidentally also got 11 miles walk in. It was fun, I was powerful and found a kneebar that let me conformably hang upside down for long enough to rest. (My knee was on the ceiling, I was hanging vertically below it.)
  • Monday Climbing. A training session. I was terrible, but the session was fun Wednesday A new yoga place has opened near me, so I did an hour. Thursday Climbing. It was fun; I was in form. I got a load of new projects. I also got a 6b+ graded one, which is quite rare for me at this gym. It was an utterly terrifying slab.…
  • I've been pretty active, but I seem to have failed to log anything here. I did a diving trip to the Orkney Islands, just North of mainland Scotland. I cadged a lift off a friend. His engine warning light came on near Stoke on the Friday. We called local garages, and one could see us. It turned out to be a hole in the turbo…
  • @mtaratoot Have you ever consider canoe diving? I've been discussing it with a friend, we have a plan to try it when we get a chance. Our expectation is that it will be a it of a disaster the first few times we try it; so we're going to do off Brighton beach. This is at most 6m deep and near shore so limits the risk whilst…
  • I went climbing yesterday. It was fun, I got most of the v3s at the gym I was at.he Arch in Bermondsey.) I'm not sure if any were v4s, but probably at least a couple were. 2.5 hour session. I walked a lot to get to the gym ,(around 10 miles in total) and at the end, it felt like I may have pulled a muscle in my glute. I…
  • I lifted last night; doing: Pull-ups. 3 sets of 10. Finger boarding; I was pretty strong at these (which is consistent with my recent climbing sessions having been good). High bar back squat. 75 kgs (around 1.25 body weight), 3 sets of 8. I had a pause at the bottom on them all. Barbell curls. Finger curls (60 kgs), which…
  • High bar back squats to failure sound like hell to me... I went climbing yesterday. I was 8n very good form, it was fun. I hadn't been to this gym for a while, and so some routes had been reset but some of my projects were still up. I did well at both; getting two v4s in the existing set which have been long term projects.
  • I have been ultra-active recently, but crap at logging. I went climbing on Thursday. It was fun. I got a couple of v4s and a shed load of v3s. I went caving over the weekend. We did the through trip from OFD1 to Cwm Dwr on Saturday. It was raining heavily, so the streamway was very active. It only started to rain…
  • Indeed. My post she quoted is from 4 years ago. An update: I am not dead yet. I am pretty active; pretty skinny and my blood work remains pretty good. (I aim to keep my weight between 140 and 147 pounds, which has been successful.)
  • I went climbing. It was fun. I was in form. 2.5 hour session; Fitbit thought it was 150 active minutes. I got one graded 7a (around V6). It's clearly mis-graded; it was more like an easy V2.
  • I've been pretty active, but terrible at logging. I went climbing today, for 2.5 hours. It was fun. The gym (Vaux East) changed from grading by colour buckets to individually graded climbs with little correlation between the old colour scheme and grade. I got two v4s. Both were fairly major projects, the longest taking…
  • I went climbing yesterday. It was a pretty poor session, although it was good fun. I did flash a v4 slab, which was truly terrifying. (Most v4s I get are probably softly graded. This one actually felt quite hard; I made some good decisions en route.) I lifted today, doing: Hangboarding, quite light as I had an A4 pulley…
  • Friday Climbing. This was was really good fun. I was in form on both slabs and overhangs. I got 4 new routes. Saturday I intended to have a rest day. But I got bored, so after lunch, I did a 21 mile walk. It was nice; there were many deer in Bushy Park. It drizzled for most of the walk . Sunday I was supposed to go diving…
  • I went climbing yesterday. It was really good fun, I was in the best form I've been recently. I got one climb graded v5, although it was probably more like a medium v4. It's odd; I was terrible on Monday but a day's sort-of rest sorted it. (I don't really like rest days, so I did an hour's yoga and three hour's walking on…
  • I climbed a v5 yesterday. It was almost certainly mis-graded, but it was still nice to get. I have improved a bit over the last year, going from getting some v3s to getting most v3s and the odd v4.
  • I went climbing on Saturday. We did some very easy sport climbing in Portland. Dorset. It was fun. We got a decent morning in, and then the heavens opened so we ended and did a hike. We went bouldering on Sunday. It was also fun. Our destination,(Portland Bill) was at high tide, which drastically cut down on available…
  • I went diving this weekend. It was OK. The second dive was the British Inventor, a wreck in about 20 metres. I drove the boat, and nailed the shot which was right on the wreck. It was a nice dive at the start with loads of life. My buddy was a bit less experienced, and he wanted to blob up. It took him a while; I picked up…
  • My logging has been weak. I've been pretty active, but I have a slight tweak to (I think) an A4 pulley, which means my climbing has been poor. My last session was on Wednesday, 3.5 hours. It was probably too long; I couldn't walk afterwards. I started well; flashing a bunch of v3s in my warm up. But it went downhill from…