LuxCanBeDeceiving Member


  • Hi guys! Thank you all for these extremely helpful answers and sorry for the stupid formulation - I really was asking purely about the calories! I do understand that there is no such thing as healthy or unhealthy calorie, I guess I just got confused because I have this association imprinted in my head that "fast food &…
  • I only took Nexium for a month but that didn't protect me from getting strong rebound reflux when it was the time to quit Nexium. However, one thing that helped me a lot is taking Gastrotuss syrup after each meal (it's natural and it sort of creates a physical barrier that prevents acid from going up).
  • My petty reason is that I'm extremely curious of how my face would look like after 50 lbs weight loss. I think I'm quite pretty now that I'm fat, so what would it be like if I was fit?? :O