withthefruitofherhands Member


  • I just started and am working on getting back into exercise, carb cycling, etc. I don’t have a ton to lose, maybe 10-15lbs... I’m looking more for a toned and healthy lifestyle. I had a miscarriage a couple weeks ago and am building back up after it and trying to get to a better point physically for next time! I totally…
  • I just started and am working on getting back into exercise, carb cycling, etc. I don’t have a ton to lose, maybe 10-15lbs... I’m looking more for a toned and healthy lifestyle. I had a miscarriage a couple weeks ago and am building back up after it and trying to get to a better point physically for next time. I’d love…
  • I don’t have a ton to lose, maybe 10-15lbs... I’m looking more for a toned and healthy lifestyle. I had a miscarriage a couple weeks ago and am building back up after it and trying to get to a better point physically for next time. I’d love some support, accountability and encouragement!
  • Near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan! Got my plan in place and hope I stick to it! 😁