Good evening everyone! Anyone else forget that in under a month we have to vote? Same town!
Pleaaaaaaase dont remind me about burn it off day! Glad you had a good day :smile: Cannot wait for the halloween stuff to start springing up in Woolies first thing Tuesday morning haha
My dad was the same when he became pre-diabetic, it definitely keeps him in check. In saying that he just had a week long bender in England so I’m not sure if he’s being good this Easter 😂 At least you’re trying to be good 😂 today is my treat meal day so I had a blow out with my family (it’s also my brothers…
How’re you going eating wise with all the temptations of Easter?
Happy Easter everyone!
Hahaha, I mean Jesus spent the Easter weekend in a cave so I don't know why we should do anything different? :p
I really love the advice about going down once to see what machines there are! Remember that overcoming anxiety is about being brave, not being less scared. If you set yourself the goal of going in and just making sure it all works, that's absolutely a step forward. You never know, if the gym is empty you might even feel…
Definitely prefer eating a little later (usually around 12). I'd much rather skip breakfast alone than dinner with friends.
Omg you got it! ahahha The weather is so weird here, too. Legit it's beautiful sunshine but ten minutes ago we had rain. I was meant to go for a beach walk but that got rained away :neutral:
Press the quote button! :)
Lmao! I like that. Who else is having an Easter storm once again this year?
Hey honey! I'll add you :smile: We seem to be twinning as we have both previously lost a big amount of weight, regrettably put it all back on, and study psychology
We are our own worse enemies when it comes to being healthy! Life is hard. I start work at 6AM daily (I don't eat my first meal until 2PM, I'm on an Intermittent Fasting schedule), but I tell you I'm so tired by 5PM that all I want is pyjamas and pizza. It's good you're eager to get back into it, though!
Hey Chloe! Slimming World sounds scary to me haha. [edited by MFP mods]
Hi Julie!
Welcome! What's inspiring you to make a change? :D
I'm UK/Australian, we always called it a shopping trolley! Then again though in England each city seems to have a different name for a bread roll (or batch, or bread cake, or bap, or bun), so not sure if we'll ever find a conclusive answer haha
Always here to chat if you want to :smile:
Hi! I am so glad that I'm about to go into Winter and have 7 or so months to work on my "summer bod" :D
Haha, we're going to have to keep this place active before we all lose it o:) Lots of Melbourne people here! I'm going back at the end of the year, so the goal is to look hot as hell!
Buy me one, too?
What's on your mind?
I've always struggled with binge eating, whether it's on junk or good food. I find that when I start I get this incredible feeling of euphoria that I cannot contain and lasts until I'm done. I study behavioural addiction and from everything I've read, when people are faced with a stressor (this doesn't have to actually be…
Hey! I've yo-yo'd with my weightloss over the years. Always happy to chat and provide knowledge/support where I can :blush:
Feel free to add me! I love to speak to others about weightloss and fitness (and also reality TV but that part is optional ;) )
Happy Easter! Are you doing anything nice for the long weekend?
Haha, you mean to say that getting all your advice at 3AM isn't working for you, either? ;)
Hey Chelsea! Fun fact, if I were born a girl we'd have the same name. What fantastic progress you've made!
I'm from Brisbane! I'm up in Hervey Bay (still QLD) for Easter, and looks like it's going to be another rainy Easter :'(
Honestly there is a big difference between a partner showing genuine concern for your weight and trying to help you live a healthier life, and a dude who just wants you to be thin. If you think he just wants you to be thin, then in my opinion then he is not the guy for you. If a partner places a higher value on your…