Hi all

I've been on MFP for a while but not looked at the discussion boards before. I'm 47 with 6 kids, have lost 60lbs so far and have 173 to go. I'm on the Cambridge 1:1 step 3 diet (essentially 1000 calories) as I have to get my weight down fast because of other health problems and don't want to go down the surgery route. I'm worried about loose skin though :(


  • jfowler97
    jfowler97 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Blubell!! Loose skin is always a worry for anyone losing weight, especially when you have a lot to lose and quite rapidly. What I feel is important to remember is that loose skin means you've lost the weight, you've changed your body, you've succeeded! Loose skin is a sign of victory if you choose to look at it this way :smiley:
  • blubell0422
    blubell0422 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you that really helps actually.
  • jfowler97
    jfowler97 Posts: 32 Member
    Always here to chat if you want to :smile: