jackalita Member


  • Yes, when our bodies are injured they burn calories to heal.. so that may be part of it. Unfortunately when I am injured, I tend to eat my emotions. Working on that though....
  • Ummmm did you read my whole post? Lol I am talking about a once a week night out. Not binge eating or even going over calories every day. I'm still down about 40 lbs total, so I know that a calorie deficit is needed. Just trying to see what is "possible" and others experience of adding more exercise to offset a cheat night.
  • I wouldn’t say it’s excessive as I am able to maintain my weight with the way I have been eating and doing very moderate level activity 6 days a week for an hour or two. I’ve basically realized I’m not exercising very productively so if I step it up a notch I am wondering if I can offset my weekends. I love being active!…