annengineer Member


  • Good to see some new faces this month! I’ve not been posting since I have very little in the way of updates, but had my 16 week appointment this week and a strong heartbeat. This time next month we will know if baby is a boy or girl! Still AF for baby, I did have a few sips (nowhere near a glass) of wine toasting a dear…
  • Still AF over here with no real temptation- though I DO wish that AF wine didn’t suck, I would enjoy a glass with the taste and no effects every now and then. Had my 12 week appointment and itty bitty is doing well with a 160 bpm heartbeat and good measurements once the ultrasound tech and I got them to reposition so she…
  • I started gaining back at some point around where you are now- I got used to the calories I was eating with an EBF infant, and as he started eating more solids and my supply tapered down to match DS my appetite didn’t. One thing that helped me was being really aware of my water intake. If I made it a priority to drink a…
  • Hi ladies! I’m 11 weeks along with my second- first is an energetic 21 month old who wears me out lol. I started tracking with MFP about 2 months before becoming pregnant and was losing weight at that time. @ebony__ I’ll admit I haven’t been tracking, but I just changed my MFP goal to maintenance instead of losing when I…
  • @dawnbgethealthy maybe try some mocktails with that mint? Fresh garden mint sounds delightful, I bet nonalcoholic drinks (not necessarily a virgin mojito) with them would be super refreshing. If nothing else maybe spa water with that and cucumber?
  • @forestdweller1 I had AF wine while pregnant with my son and even the “best” AF wine is... not good. I had an amber O’Douls (well, part of one) the other night while hubby enjoyed a real beer- AF beer at least tastes like beer even if I prefer wine when drinking. 100% AF since getting my positive test (not counting a…
  • Right?! My MIL was flabbergasted that I can’t have deli meat. There are so many restrictions now, I remember not taking antihistamines during spring was really hard on me with my son, I was SO congested, makes me very thankful for the timing this time around! I had so many caterpillar and crunch tempura rolls with my son,…
  • Just popping in to say hello, and that you guys are doing great with your goals! I’ve not really been checking in since I’m AF by default now- I have my first ultrasound tomorrow :) I did pick up some Amber O’Douls in case I want to feel like I’m having something but haven’t cracked one yet, just lots of flavored seltzer…
  • Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the congratulations! My only interactions with alcohol have been to think briefly about what would go well with what I’m making for dinner, and then remember it doesn’t matter lol. Oh and one teeny tiny quarter sip taste of an older bottle just to make sure it hadn’t turned…
  • Hi all! I stopped tracking in May and definitely went over my goals, but had more AF days than I would have without setting them at all. This month, and the rest of the year are currently planned to be AF, because I got a positive pregnancy test! Who knows, maybe less drinks helped! Should anything happen (it is after all…
  • 5/15- AF 5/16- 3, “split” a bottle of wine with H 5/17- so far AF but Fridays I usually enjoy watching modern family reruns on USA with wine- will target this being one of my 2 glass nights if I do that after putting the toddler down.
  • 5/8-AF 5/9- 1, picked up my friends from the airport and had one with them at their hotel 5/10- lots, like 7-8- I joined the bachelorette party after work and we saw a show, hit a bar, then a club where the club gave us free drinks. It was a great time but heavier than I intended. Good news activity wise was that was lots…
  • 5/1- 0 5/2- 2, goal of 2 5/3- 4, no goal 5/4- 0 5/5- 3, goal of 2- not thrilled I had the third glass, but glad I didn’t use the fact that I’d missed the goal turn into a 4th or more. 5/6- 0 5/7- 0, heading to bed soon ETA: My goals for the month are 50% days AF, and keeping it to 2 glasses the majority of drinking days.
  • 5/3- Friday night was definitely a drinking night for me- had 4 or 5 (didn’t wait for empty on a few refills so probably 4 volume wise) over the evening while watching TV and relaxing, but did not get drunk or wake up hungover Saturday. 5/4- AF Yesterday even with going to dinner out which is a rarity (both dinner out with…
  • Happy Friday! May 1- 0 drinks May 2- 2 (3?) glasses of wine- 2 the way I pour them, 3 the way my husband does haha. There’s still a glass in the bottle and he had one too so I’m considering it a win- usually he has one and I kill the bottle. I’m also trying to drink a gallon of water a day which helps- no wine til I’ve had…
  • Hi! I'm new to MFP, hit a weight I really dislike and one of the main reasons for that is wine (and chocolate, which goes hand in hand for me usually), so after lurking the April thread the last few days I decided I'd join you guys for May. My main issue with it is the calories/weight gain (I'm only slightly less than when…