Aerial2021 Member


  • I got mine this week and so far it’s not that helpful. I barely eat carbs and it’s telling me my body burns nothing but carbs… just blows a score of 5 all day, everyday, morning, noon and night. I don’t understand it. I tried to ask for help but they don’t let you post questions like this on their Facebook. I tried but the…
  • Thanks very much for the help. I've tried a few times but it won't let me login through a browser. My phone just redirects me to the app. Oh well, I'm enjoying using the Garmin anyway.
  • I’m just starting out again too! I’m 10 days in but need to be held to account by others I think. Feel free to add me :)
  • I just started with a Garmin 10 days ago and would love to add people... But, I have no idea how to find my link. I made my display name “Bunny” but the app on my phone doesn’t give me any info on the profile link others use. I tried to Google and found nothing useful 😞
  • I found out that all the broccoli stalks and trimmings from the farmers market were free! They are in season right now where I live, so I’ve been filling my own string bags full of trimmings, then making broccoli stalk soup with onions from the garden and a little potato to thicken. I whip up a peelings stock in the…
  • Fantastic! Well done! :)
  • I can relate to so much of your story!! I just started too do feel free to add me. Let's support each other through this 👍
  • Yuck Feijoa (finally in season here again!)
  • 2012 was a great year for losing weight! I was possibly at my skinniest that year. I know because I still have the jeans that I don't fit from that year 😁 I too am looking to wind the clock back to my 2012 waistline. I know it's in there somewhere! Let's do this together :)
  • I skipped Vegetarian and went fully Vegan for health reasons. I did the Paddison Programne for Rheumatoid Arthritis and cured myself. Prior to that I was a broken deformed woman, living on crutches permanently. I remember the last day I saw my Rheumatologist 5 years ago. He was looking at my latest blood tests results on a…
  • I had a moment of realisation in a dress shop fitting room last week. I realised I would need to go up another dress size and buy a whole new wardrobe...again. At 217 lbs starting weight, I am now 2 entire dress sizes away from my beautiful "normal me size" wardrobe. I already had to buy a temporary, limited options…
  • Hey feel free to add me, I only just started too!
  • I'm 6'2" with around 40lbs to lose. Just started yesterday - please add me :)
  • Just started today and would love some friends for coaching and support. No idea what I’m doing, as usual :)
  • Hey folks, I just joined and this is my first post. Had a reality moment today... this isn’t going to happen unless I find people to do it with, so I googled for Weight Loss support groups... and here I am. SW: 217 CW: 217 GW: 160 Weekly goals: learning MFP, logging and staying below my daily calorie goals.