mgmgmg1981 Member


  • Hey everyone! @HDBKLM I don't look good, way too skinny. People are concerned about it. Again it's a shame because I don't really get the full benefits of resistance training. I am well aware of the issue, at this point it's just a fear of letting go and listening to body signals & needs! Your comparison with MJ's autopsy…
  • Hey @anubis609 -- thanks for your help & insights. Again this is quite mind-opening for me right now. I was also surprised with this super low BF% when I got to weigh myself on a scale that had this feature. It may or might not be super accurate but it's definitely too low and linked to my very low weight. To me, the…
  • @cupcakesandproteinshakes: Got a doctor's appointment scheduled for early 2020, very much looking forward to it. @mtaratoot : Thanks for the spreadsheet, super valuable list! @PAV888 your reply got me thinking a lot. I will break this mindset a.s.a.p. With the holiday season, it's time to skip all exercising and enjoy food…
  • Hey! Well... I probably need this kind of break. I am now underweight (53kg / 181cm / 6% body fat) which is worrying for my health, and my friends and family are feeling concerned as well. I feel rather fine though, I eat a varierty of food, exercise regularly (5-6 times a week), but with my stats and activity level,…
  • @PWHF Yup! Starting Mind Pump Anabolics program next week! I'll rest and recover this week, and prepare myself for it! @wiigelec Exactly, that's why I was asking for a few tips. Ultimately it's just my own decision. I am confident I will do it. Thanks everybody!
  • Definitely a great mindset to have @PWHF! I don't care about looks, but I kinda look like a "skeleton" right now... Which is lame because I look "better" normally. It's funny that you brought stoicism, I am reading the Daily Stoic every day and it has been very mind-opening!
  • Thanks, everyone for the great articles and support! This means a lot and kinda reinsure me about that long-time goal I should set. I was able to do it for my fitness routine so I'm definitely confident I can do this. @peachvine29 : I wasn't really overweight or fat ever. I just had a couple of months of hectic sleep/eat…
  • Are they calculated for actual weight or target weight ?
  • Yeah I need to be consistent for sure ! I am spending a little holiday for my birthday so I was able to hit 2500-3000 today and yesterday, feels good. I think I shouldn't keep counting calories too precisely, or at all now... Takes a lot of time and eating intuitively would help me refrain myself for getting too calorific…
  • Thanks !!! I weightes myself today and I was at 55kg which is lower than I thought. Time to constantly hit my calories goal. I barely hit the 1800 kcal daily which is clearly problematic!
  • Since I need to eat a bunch of carbs... What are your favorite carb-y foods, for breakfast / lunch / dinner and snacks ? I love fruit as mentioned before, I guess I shouldn't even limit myself on the fruit servings to begin with!
  • Hey @shayd742 ! Yup, eggs are nice, it's usually my Sunday breakfast (veggie scramble). I only do 1-2 full eggs and 2-3 egg whites though but I guess 3 or 4 eggs would be way better. In the oatmeal I could try out for sure, does that work with fruits or nut butter or plain nuts? Cottage cheese is also a staple here. I…
  • My plan is to get back at eating the appropriate calories I need, which is ~2500 kcal, then I'll go a bit further to bulk. Thanks for all the insights and help! Gimme the ice cream and PB! :D
  • Thanks everyone ! Do moderate exercising seems right for my activity level in thr TDEE calculator ? Each routine is between 1 hour 30 and up to 2 hours. It is not very intense like running of course but it is somewhat a contiunous level of moderate to high effort, with resting in between. However I work in my home office…
  • Carbs are no prob, huge fruit lover here. Peanut / Almond / Cashew butters too ! Gonna buy some ice cream then 😅
  • Yeah that's A LOT of protein. I love my greek yogurt, whey supplement, fish and chicken but that's quite high. Since I love nuts, milk and olive oil, what you suggest to increase fat % makes sense.
  • One question, when calculating my TDEE, should I put the weight I want to reach? 70 kg (154 lbs) seems to be a good optimal weight ( ) I entered "Moderate exercise" even though I always get a little bit of light exercising during my rest…
  • Hey @staticsplit ! Thanks for chiming in. I am not eating until full at every meal. I wake up hungry, especially the days after workouts. I am kind of a slow eater so sensing fullness can be tough, and somebody also suggested to not be drinking too much water too during meals. Got myself a copy of Intuitive Eating which I…
  • One more question for the community ... If you were somewhat "afraid" to gain weight (it's dumb I know but change is hard), what helped overcome this ? I was never overweight and before I wouldn't even think about what I should or shouldn't I feel sometimes calorie counting can refrain for reaching goals. I am…
  • Yes I know ! Went to a Kung Fu class today and kinda scared myself on how thin I am....! Need ... to .... eat .... more !!!
  • Peanut butter in a full fat yogurt (sheep milk has even more calories) or coconut yogurt. Dark chocolate 70% and over. Chocolate milk.
  • Thanks man, the struggle is mostly in the head haha but going baby steps and experimenting is the bedt approach. I need those extra pounds !
  • Thanks @jdscrubs32 ! I guess your oat recipe should be around 600+ kcal. This is nice. I am usually around 350-400 but I am always super hungry in the morning so this should work ! Cheers.
  • Ah ! Thing is here in Switzerland, oats / raw cereals are just packaged in a plastic or paper sealed bag. I bought some ESN Whey Protein (German brand) and there was no scooo either. I usually put 45-50g of dry oats in my morning porridge which I believe is 1/2 cup. I should definitely put more though ! Cheers !
  • Yeah I always add nuts or seeds in my oats. Ground flaxseed, hemp hearts, hulled sunflower seeds etc. They taste great but I was only putting 1 tbsp of them. When you say scoop, are you talking about 1 tbsp ? Thanks again for your help ! Cheers.
  • I love oats ! I eat oatmeal (different grains too, like spelt / buckwheat / millet) every day of the week.
  • Any recommendation for breakfasts ? I train in the morning, get breakfast around 7 / 7.30 AM and start working out at ~10AM. Lunch / Dinner ideas would be awesome too. Cheers !
  • Thanks a bunch everyone ! Yeah going slow, adding some calories to reach the goal weekly is probably the best way to go for me. I have a hard time being more flexible with food, but it needs to happen ! This will make all my training way more enjoyable. Now onto the reading, I will configure MFP so I can make sure to hit…