w1ndyk Member


  • Hi and welcome!
  • I haven't read through everyone else's responses (sorry) but my thought is that you are using at least 1 database entry that is wrong. Remember that things in the database are added by other users - and from my experience a hell of a ton of them are just plain wrong. If someone enters something ridiculous into the database…
  • When you mention low carb or ketogenic diets you are going to get a lot of responses that are very pro-keto or pro-low carb and others that think it's the absolute worst idea ever - it's a very divisive way of eating, haha! With that said, I've been following a ketogenic way of eating since April 2020, for a large number…
  • Have you considered seeking treatment for an eating disorder? I'm not sure, but it sounds like your relationship with food is disordered in some way. Eating disorder treatment typically involves meeting with a therapist as well, so may help you discover why you feel the way you do about food. I think this is a problem that…
  • Are you replenishing your electrolytes? With keto you lose a lot of electrolytes and just drinking water may not be enough. You need sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Don’t be afraid to add salt to all your food! I also take a magnesium supplement daily. When I forget to take my magnesium or don’t get enough potassium or…
  • I’m doing ‘dirty keto’ (if it fits my macros, I might eat it; I’m NOT super strict about cutting out all processed foods, artificial sweeteners, etc and will never tell someone they are ‘doing keto wrong’ (I have experienced this from others...)). Today was day 20 for me. I’m down 11.2lbs so far. Having keto friends on MFP…