What you wrote about cardio was extremely insightful (I do stair master for 25 mins level 9 so kind of intense). But to be honest my weight lifting regiment is very good. I became advanced at lifting rather quickly and can perform most of the workouts at a pretty heavy load for a beginner ( I can bench 150 for 3 reps). I…
Amazing advice!! Thank you so much. Last thing, should I incorporate the cardio everyday or every other day or what? I would like to know that way I don’t stunt my muscle growth. I tend to do 25 mins on the stairmaster
About how long did it take for you?
Yea sorry about that I’m kind of new to the MyFitnessPal forums😂 thank you though and I’ll forsure follow that advice
Currently I follow a chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/core, and legs (repeat) workout routine. I also try to consume about 200g of protein a day to enhance muscle growth!
Thank you so much man really helped a lot. I’ve been cutting and lifting light weights and high reps for the longest time because I was told that would most likely remove my gut, but it hasn’t. I will definitely take ur advice into consideration and also do you think it’s necessary to incorporate cardio? Also I should be…
Thank you so much man!! I’m currently 18 and have been lifting properly for about 6 months now. The belly is just so discouraging because I hit the gym everyday with minimum results to my stomach. Two questions, how would eating at maintainance burn my belly fat and secondly when I lift should I do heavy weight low reps or…
Do I need to lose even more weight ? Is 165 for 5’10 not good enough because according to some websites, my weight is normal
This thread helps a lot but I have a question in terms of lifting. When recomping, is it better to do high reps low weight till burn out or heavy weight low reps?