yellow1111 Member


  • Thank you for your service!! And thank you to your father and your PT’s husband for their service as well! We have a service dog and he’s amazing! He helps tremendously with minor tasks while I’m at work and he’s a major help with his PTSD as well 😊 it’s really beautiful to watch the bond they’ve formed, he’s definitely…
  • Also, I’m sorry, I don’t know how to directly respond to peoples questions. He’s trying to be healthier and lose weight.
  • Thank you all for your answers! Some were pretty rude to be honest, but for those of you who responded with kindness and helpful content I appreciate it very much and they were very helpful to me!! :) He used to be very active and fit but due to injury he can’t. I would like to address the rude comments, I’ve removed many…
  • Thank you all
  • I’m in my 30’s and having the same issue 😕 every three months for the past 16 years my dose keeps getting “adjusted”. For some reason nobody can get my dose right 😩 but there’s some great advice here!! Best of luck to you!! I hope something helps! Following