csilladev Member


  • Good news is, you won’t have 24 kg to lose. After the baby is out, you lose the excess blood, the uterus gets back to normal 6 kg have “disappeared”, plus if part of that weight is water retention which it probably is that will go away too. But after a c-section you lose water weight slower due to the fluids you get IV and…
  • @hesn92 Wow! You are almost there! I’m sure the baby will come in the next couple days 😁 @noel2fit I actually don’t add calories but do go over the target sometimes. But I shouldn’t gain more than 15 lbs to Beginn with so it’s fine for me. I would talk to the midwife or dr and ask what they think. As I know you should add…
  • @karen_thinmint Thank you 😊 It’s been 3 weeks and i have symptoms of a cold but without a fever, but my daughter had the same and she is still coughing, my husband says he has a sore throat as well so I am pretty sure it’s not from the tick. If I don’t get any other symptoms in the next two weeks that I’m quite positive…
  • @hesn92 you are doing great 👍🏼
  • [/quote] Is that the same as lyme disease? When is your next dr appointment, maybe you can call them and tell them you got bit by a tick and see if they can test you or something? Love the name Mina, good choice :) [/quote] Yes, that’s the one I think. 😔 Going to my OB on Monday so I’ll ask them if they could do some…
  • @rachelcalsbeek We finally decided on Mina. It is hard because we come from different countries and live in Germany which isn’t the birth country of either of us so we must find a name that is pretty international or at least easy to spell and pronounce. Since no one outside of my birth country can pronounce my name right…
  • @hesn92 it’s probably just water weight and the baby getting chubbier. I don’t think you will go over 190
  • @rachelcalsbeek Congratulations! 🎊 We are having a girl and finally decided on a name! I honestly thought that she will be born and we would still have no name for her 😂
  • @noel2fit As long as you consult your physician you should be fine, but you have to heal before you get back to working out again, pregnant or not. Otherwise you risk getting re injured and making it even worse and ultimately not being able to work out at all. Trust me, been there done than with my shoulder 😕 My hunger…
  • Hey girls! So I’m 17 weeks now and for about 4 days i started being not just hungry but ravenous!!! I could hardly stay in the range and went over my calorie goal every day. And not by little. But yesterday i managed to be exactly on my maintenance calories and i have actually gained nothing. I think the time has come…
  • Hi, it’s me again 😄 I have started the pregnancy with a BMI of 28 so I got the same weight gain allowance as you but I already blew more than half of it and gained 10 lbs in these 16 weeks. My due date is December 8th 😁 I put myself on maintenance still and I am really maintaining. My dr is ok with that since I have over…
  • You are all doing great. My problem is boredom eating which can be especially hard on rainy days when I cannot go to the park with my daughter. But it’s still waaaay better that in my previous pregnancy where I boredom ate all the time because we moved to a new city and I didn’t have friends there yet and my husband had…
  • Hi! Welcome to the club 😁 I have been tracking for 5 days now. Today is day 6 and even though I ate at maintenance I lost 2 lbs which is ok since I already have 35 lbs of excess weight that has piled up over the years (my profile picture is 5 years old but I don’t want to take it down 😅) and some than left over after the…
  • Thank you 😊 Yes it was very hard to watch my body change that much. Plus I had complications due to the weight gain, I had severe SPD, my whole pelvis hurt, I got the symptoms for preeclampsia so they had to induce me which ended in an emergency c-section. So I am trying to avoid all of that. I’ve been tracking the last 4…
  • Hi! I’m due in December and just started logging also to even out the weight gain from first trimester. Would you share how it went for you with logging?
  • Hi there! I have also gained about 10 lbs and I’m 16 weeks pregnant but I didn’t watch what I ate and I did eat more than what I needed so 4 days ago I started using MFP on maintenance as lightly active although I am almost sedentary. I do have a 1,5 year old so I do stuff all day long but it’s not like I’m running laps or…
  • Hi! I’m due December 8th 😄 My surroundings are a bit more supportive. I never heard anyone tell me that I should slow down on the weights etc. people usually say that I don’t seem pregnant since I do everything and anything as if I weren’t 😅 I forget I’m pregnant most of the time since I already have a 1,5 year old who is…