darklyndsea Member


  • I always listen to music when I walk, because nature bores me to tears and traffic sounds aren't any better. It doesn't really psych me up, though. My walking buddy's on vacation. I'll get back to waking up at 5:30 to walk when she's back in town, for sure, but it's just a struggle for now.
  • I eat one meal a day, plus snacks. I'm not sure if that's what you mean by eating once a day, or if you mean one meal and no snacks. I don't do it for health or diet reasons. I just like not having to worry about if my dinner will go over, and I've never eaten breakfast and usually forget about lunch until it's about 3 PM…
  • Garage sales often have workout clothes for cheap, though you may have to go to more than one to find what you're looking for.
  • It's okay to start off at an easier pace. For instance, you can go on walks. You can even start off with a 5 minute walk! Or even less, if that's a lot for you (no judgement, everybody's got to start somewhere). Or if you're going to a gym, you can start with stepping foot in the door the first day, then doing some…
  • The hardest part is getting to bed early. I'm still not sure it's even possible. I've been experimenting with stopping eating earlier, in the hopes that my bedtime rush of energy is caused by dinner, and it seems to help a bit (or at least I'm not bouncing off the walls when it's time to go to bed), but 9:00 is still a…
  • I think the thing about sleep is that if you don't get enough quality sleep, your body doesn't function as well. That includes things like it's harder for you to make good food choices (because your brain's not in good shape), water retention for longer periods because your body takes longer to heal, general morale…
  • If unhealthy snacks are available at your workplace, is there a way to make healthy snacks available? For instance, if your coworkers bring in unhealthy snacks, you could bring in healthy ones. If the administration brings the unhealthy snacks in, you could ask whoever's in charge of it to make a portion of the snacks…
  • Don't ever go to the grocery store, or anywhere else with junk food, when you're hungry. It's really hard to make good choices when you're hungry. What worked for me was replacing my junk food with healthy snacks: vegetables for when I'm eating because I'm bored, and nuts or cheese (i.e. fat or protein) for when I'm hungry…
  • I don't rely on motivation, I make habits. Whenever I start something with a lot of motivation, eventually that motivation just... evaporates. But when I make things a habit, I keep doing them even after that motivation vanishes and I stop caring as much. I also take baby steps so that the things I do seem like extensions…
  • I know I get hangry, so I dedicate a portion of my daily calories to fat or protein-rich snacks that I can eat whenever I need to stave off hunger/hanger.
  • Today... I RAN! Just a little bit, but I did it several times during my walk. One time, I even ran for long enough that I had to stop running lest I set off my asthma. I've always hated running, so I haven't done it for more than a few seconds to catch a bus since high school, more than a decade ago. I don't think I'll do…
  • I have double depression (dysthymia + major depressive disorder). You know how random people who don't have depression say that working out makes you feel better, and you roll your eyes because they're the same people that say to just do things you enjoy (but depression makes it impossible to enjoy anything)? Yeah, I roll…
  • Today I felt very blah. Woke up at the usual 5:30 to get a walk in before it gets hot, and felt groggy. Never really recovered from that feeling--even my nap in the afternoon only got me halfway to normal. BUT even though I felt blah, I got dressed and went out for my walk--AND I didn't do just the walk that I consider to…
  • You can also do multiple shorter walks in the same day, if the pain increases the longer you're on your feet: walk for a comfortable amount of time, recover, go again later. Depending on the cause of your back pain, it might improve over time if you do core-strengthening exercises in addition to walking.
  • I don't have any big scares. I just looked down one day and thought my fingers looked fat. Somehow that mattered more to me than my large thighs and stomach. *shrug* But also, I'm sick of doctors recommending the mediterranean diet to me. Any diet that's high in fish and low in cheese is a diet that's not going to work for…
  • I really want to deflate my boobs. No shirt or dress looks good, and I can't figure out how to do an FBA when sewing. And even if they're from genetics rather than fat, skinny people with large boobs still look skinny when they wear shirts that aren't fitted... right now, if I put on a non-fitted shirt, it just looks like…
  • July goal: 310,000 total/10,000 per day average July 1: 13,425 steps/13,425 total/13,425 average July2: 18,390 steps/31,815 total/15,907 average July 3: 8,733 steps/40,548 total/13,516 average July 4: 15,854 steps/56,402 total/14,100 average
  • I'm not generally a fashionista, but sometimes I see people wearing cute workout clothes on the trail and feel like cute workout clothes would be a nice extra motivation to work out. But when I look in stores, either the workout clothes are super revealing (I don't want to have *more* places to forget to apply sunscreen),…
  • July goal: 310,000 total/10,000 per day average July 1: 13,425 steps/13,425 total/13,425 average July2: 18,390 steps/31,815 total/15,907 average July 3: 8,733 steps/40,548 total/13,516 average
  • I've been walking this one trail (paved suburban trail, not a *real* trail) near me. I looked it up and it's 7.9 miles long. I've only walked about 1.5 miles of it so far, and my goal for now is to walk all of it, which will involve a walk of 18 miles total (walking to the trail, walking the trail from the end near me to…
  • I'm out of shape and have asthma, so I'm not walking any faster than a comfortable walking pace--faster than a lot of people walk in a mall, but not what most people consider to be exercise speed. And I take a lot of breaks, especially once I turn around and start coming back, so that I can avoid triggering my asthma.…
  • I've been drinking more water and have switched my snacks mostly to nuts and vegetables instead of candy. I'm also probably drinking less Coke, but if anything I'd think that would make it easier to get to be, not harder. Otherwise, everything else is the same.
  • How late is too late, though? I'd say that my latest walk might have ended at 6 PM, which gives 6 hours before I try to go to bed. And I usually try to go as early in the day as possible--it hasn't been too early lately, due to being awake until 3 or 4 AM, but even waking up really late means walks that usually end before…