darklyndsea Member


  • My corset closes completely at the back, not even tight-lacing. It won't be long before it's too big! My other clothes are ones that aren't affected by the loss so far (wrap skirts and spandex-y shirts), so the corset is the only one I notice the difference on. I'm also still weirded out by being able to feel the bones in…
  • I don't have a thigh gap, but I do have a finger gap. Not sure if that's normal or if my left pinkie and right index are curved. I'm in the 160s, which means I'm closer to being a healthy weight than to being obese!
  • My cheek bones are still indistinguishable from the fleshy part below them, but now I have like... valleys in the parts of my cheeks that run along my teeth-line. Wow, it's kind of hard to phrase this so that it makes sense, and I'm not sure I succeeded.
  • The tops of my boobs are starting to look weird, kind of hollow with loose skin. My bust measurement hasn't changed, but I think this is a sign that it's going to happen soon.
  • Invent a weather machine and end winter so I can finally go on walks again.
  • Eat whatever I want, but less of it. Don't go shopping when hungry. It's amazing how many things jump into the cart when I'm hungry. Take a multivitamin, because eating what I want probably means I don't get all the vitamins.
  • I've finally started losing weight in a place that I actually care about! My weight loss started at my wrists, then made dents below my ribcage - the middle part didn't shrink much, and neither did the lower part, so I just have weird dents with a jutting out ribcage but it doesn't look any different when I have a shirt…
  • It sounds like "You had a pretty face before, and that hasn't changed: you still have a pretty face" to me.
  • My bust has shrunk 3/4"! I mean, it's not much in the grand scheme of things, and my waist has shrunk several inches so it's not helpful proportionately, but it gives me hope that it will shrink more.
  • This is what's called moving the goalposts, isn't it? When you achieve a goal, you have succeeded at that goal. Yes, there are more goals to come, but that doesn't negate your success. Back in school, when you finished first grade, you still had 11 more grades to go before graduating from high school, then college, a job,…
  • My Fitbit weight chart shows that I'm just a bit above overweight - actually I dipped below it last week when I couldn't eat for a few days (side effect of quitting a medication). A pound below isn't going to be different than a pound above, but the chart is a different color below than above!
  • Same. If only one part of my body shrank, I'd hope it would be them.
  • I went walking again today! It's been one thing after another that's stopped me for a while - depression hit, then when I got back on meds and started exercising again I overdid it and could barely walk for a while, then I quit a medication and have had the Worst discontinuation symptoms that make me feel awful when i'm…
  • MFP will not give you calories below 1200/day, as it's generally agreed that going below that is unhealthy unless you're under medical supervision.
  • Like most things, there's a happy medium. A K cup? Not a good amount of boob. For one thing, it's impossible to find shirts that fit. For another, my back hurts.
  • I can feel my thigh bone when I squeeze my leg, rather than just the padding! There's still lots of padding to go, lol, but I love it when I can literally feel the difference.
  • This! Change is hard, and it's harder the bigger the change is. Give yourself permission to start out slowly. Maybe switch out only one meal or snack for a healthier alternative - or even just one ingredient. When that starts to feel normal, switch out a second one as well. And it sounds like the path to healthier eating…
  • I want my boobs to shrink. No idea how much they will, but it's worth a try, right? If only spot reduction was real...
  • I've lost enough weight that my fat is squishier and when I hold my arms out it dangles down and moves at a different rate than the rest of my arm. I'm amused and can't stop poking and squishing it.
  • You may want to ask your doctor for (or look up online) knee and hip strengthening exercises, if you don't already have some that you do. It might help reduce the amount your hip or knee gives out on you.
  • My preferred exercise is walking on a paved trail - like a sidewalk through nature! In the long term, I'm motivated to get in good enough shape that I can walk from one end of the trail to the other and back (because I have to get back home). In the short run, I see so many cute animals when I walk. Bunnies every time I…
  • It took me about a month before the scale started dropping. It was pretty worrying during that period, but eventually I did start to lose weight. If you're sure you're using the right entries when logging, and weighing everything, give it more time.
  • To do the exercises my doctor gave me for my knee pain as many times a day as I'm supposed to.
  • Is the exercise new? You can gain weight when starting new exercise.
  • If you're not confident about dealing with unwanted attention, you might want to ask a friend or family member to roleplay some scenarios with you. After you've practiced dealing with the situations you're worried about in an environment where you feel comfortable, you'll be able to fall back on your experience when you…
  • This one's kind of weird, but today I didn't go for a walk. I stopped walking for about a month when depression made it too hard to, and when I started up again I overdid it and my knee's been hurting in a "maybe I shouldn't do too much walking on it" way. Today, I wanted to go for a walk, but my knee still hurts, and I…
  • You might want to talk to the local police to see what they recommend. You might get useless advice like "hike where it's more populated," but there's also a chance that they'll have good suggestions. And they'll know what's legal and what's not, of course. And it can't hurt to have them be aware that you're out hiking 6…
  • No. I know myself, and I know that there's a 90% chance that it will happen. When I have a craving that won't go away, I know I will eat the entire package (or cheesecake, or batch of cookies...), whether that's over the course of a month or a day. But I'm not afraid of it because I know that I can compensate for it. Sure,…
  • I wait a few days to see if they'll go away. If they don't, I buy the smallest amount of the craving food that I can (easy to do for chocolate... not so easy for twizzlers). I store it in the kitchen, where it's not within arm's reach of my usual snacking location (because if it's within arm's reach, I have no self…
  • I measured my waist today, and it's down an inch. Really unexpected--I've only lost 8.8 lbs so far!