Leonie_M234 Member


  • @AnnPT77 Yes the one on the left is the most recent, thankyou yes I agree things can always be changed up for sure
  • @AnnPT77 Thankyou! I looked at the recomp thread a while ago and it's really interesting. There seems to be alot of conflicting ideas on whether to start at the right BMI or when you are still overweight. But anyway just want that muscle definition so bad if truth be told!! will just keep on trying and experimenting : )
  • @AnnPT77 Thanks again Ann! really interesting to read about your journey and see the flucuations in that chart. I do eat meat now which makes things alot easier, the info you posted will be helpful. I struggle to go beyond 100g within my calories, so need to really look into this. I am lucky I have 2 years worth of data so…
  • @alexmose2 I agree with you on the protein and thank you for your reply : ) I struggle to get up to 100g as I used to be vegan and prob didn't even hit 40g some days, I use protein powder in oats and a shake and that's helped. I am interested that you think the deficit is too low for my height and weight, I have to say I…
  • @cupcakesandproteinshakes Thankyou for the reply, god knows what I would do without this forum! been feeling really down about lack of energy. Went on a 13 mile bike ride yesterday which I never do more than weekly or fortnightly currently and it killed me. Bear in mind had slept fine, eaten a big breakfast and even had a…
  • @AnnPT77 Thankyou! it doesnt have deloads but I think I might need it, was reading about this the other day. I have to admit getting this last stone off is quite important to me from a vanity point of view, but it does look like a 250 defecit would be better. I do drink once or twice a week ( included in my cals) and I…
  • Hi It could be because your calories are too low. This also happens to me when I have gone too low in the past, hope you sort it! I know it can be really upsetting
  • @jondorf13 Thanks for the tips! I would love to join a gym but they are all shut here in lockdown : ( I have fairly heavy dumbbells thank goodness but will have to get creative with how I use them eventually
  • @Jthanmyfitnesspal Thats interesting, I have to admit I dont tend to look at macros. I just aim for about 100g of protein. I assumed my carbs and fats were ok, but I'll have a look at them thanks!
  • @cwolfman13 Hi I follow a 4 day split upper and lowerbody programme, so get 3 full days off from weights. I am never doing a lowerbody 2 days in a row for example. I also do an occasional 13 mile bike ride, 1 20 min hiit workout and I walk 45 to 60 mins 5 times a week. @kshama2001 Hi My TDEE is 2300 ( I am 5,9 tall 37 and…
  • @steveko89 I used to do barbells a few years ago so not a total newbie, then had a baby. Since then for the past year, but more seriously and more structured since the end of November
  • I really think you will get a woosh!! where you suddenly lose a few pounds over night : ) This has occurred with me many times over the last year. I must hold water, especially when I change exersise routines or up the intensity. Trust the process and keep logging. Once you have enough data to look back on you can trust…
  • @alykiss Hey thats amazing!! and so interesting! would you remind me of your height, age and weight please?
  • Personally exersise won't change, but I have maintained the month of December, will prob go over maintenance by a few hundred over the Xmas week, then will go under a few hundred the week after. So all in all looking to maintain not lose in December! I am hoping the extra fuel with help my weight training : )
  • @Floods0fTears Thanks for the really clear easy to understand answer! : ) much appreciated!
  • @Chieflrg yes thats correct! 6 sets of 30 reps for overhead press But I also do 3 sets of 8 reps of floor presses once a week too. Thats really useful advice thankyou
  • @quiksylver296 I used to find it easier with the bar and adding small plates, but don't have access to this anymore, dumbbells are definitley tougher I find
  • 1. For me calorie cycling so looking at the weekly total 2. Walking and Neat 3. Eat whatever you like as long as it fits but keep protein levels fairly high
  • @quiksylver296 Thankyou it does feel like the toughest for me
  • @wiigelec Thanks I get what volume means! I was asked my volume for presses and I answered twice a week and had already answered 5 reps and 3 sets or rounds
  • @heybales Round I mean set so I do apologise for that, I am simply looking for some help. I am open to any advice? when I say another round might be time consuming I am asking if there is another way...ofcourse I would add another round if that was the only way? but I am asking if there are other ways to progress, or of…
  • @Chieflrg Sorry you asked for the volume on presses which I answered and the equipment I have available which I answered? I didnt see that you asked for the full programme. Yes I can create 7.5kg dumbbells as I said I have dumbbells with adjustable plates. I just wanted to know how I can make progress without adding…
  • @Chieflrg Thanks! It ends up being about twice. I do weight train 4 to 5 times a week full body. I do squat variations every time, but am careful with deadlifts, rows and presses to have a day in between. I do it more than 3 times because I enjoy it, and the extra 1 or 2 sessions are less intense. I have a fairly decent…
  • Would love to read more success stories too! I am thinking of doing this next year. Although am partly doing it now, as some weeks I lose a pound, and others half, others I maintain. Since I started weightlifting more seriously I find it so tough to cut 500cals a day. I feel much better on a small deficit, and am trying to…
  • @alykiss Good luck!! it's such an emotional journey but this place is a great source of support! come back and let us know how you get on : )
  • Hi I am a bit taller than you at 5,9 but currently 166lbs, my TDEE is 2300 cals so I lose on about 1800 cals a day and tend to net this each week. However If I do extra exersise that i know has burnt more calories like a long hike or bike ride I will eat back all those calories. This means on average with exersise I'm…
  • One more thing I put your details into a TDEE calculator and it seems like perhaps your cals are a bit high. https://tdeecalculator.net I got your maintenance at about 2175, if you take 500 off that for losing 1 pound that gives you 1675. Obviously I know MFP just gives you the base cals and then you add on the exersise,…
  • It's really frustrating isnt it! although I've had success with weight loss, the last stone is proving to be tough. I have started weightlifting more intensly in the last month, and just keep going up and down even though I am in a defecit. Although it's true that the most common culprits are inaccurate logging or…
  • Thanks I am just super shocked as I can see the net cals are so different to gross,
  • @yirara Thanks! I mean I was walking quite fast? but yes makes sense, disappointing though as that equation gives around 300. This means the MFP database is totally off too?