Planning on trying this , my biggest problem is finding Keto friendly snacks
That’s a bit deep ,but the one who said maybe they saw a mummy cow feeding a baby cow is that how everything was discovered because at that rate would we not be drinking milk from a lot of other mammals ?
I like the ideas, I will put my note book beside my cooker in the kitchen as you all say we are all in the same boat and if I want it I will do it no mater what ☺️ thanks guys
Good morning
Both arms, but that's not it, I have two chest tattoos to sock tattoos to my knee, one on my thigh, writing on my back and three animal tattoos on the top of my back
Thank you oh my god I have been trying to do that for like an hour I am so not good at social media stuff
I can't even post the stupid thing right lol I will just admire all you lovely people
This is why I don't do selfies
Hope you enjoy it