vic1am19 Member


  • the guides I have seen yes Mark Carroll probably has a better one. I wanted to see if anyone had done stuff like body by Rachel or bikini body guide by Katya (I think is her name) to see if those that did it where beginners, and if there are intermediates who have actually tried it?
  • I actually am considering writing one however I think the term booty and bikini is not the best way to approach fitness or assist people. I have seen so many girls just a attend the gym to work with bands and nothing else. A different approach that inspires a healthy living rather than what you may look like on the outside.
  • I wanna be added to 😊add me
  • Genetics play a role in this and as individuals we all react differently. Some women lose weight around the hips/tummy first and a little on the chest. Get a measuring tape, get someone to measure your thighs (mid point between knee and hip bone) chest (probably in-line with nipples going around the back, and waist (in…
  • I think 1200 is low, at some point this 1200 will stop making an effect on your body as it will become your maintenance calorie level. This then means for more weight loss you would have to reduce you calories. I don’t think or suggest you go lower at all. Many variables have to come into play to determine the calories you…