

  • I've noticed that using the MFP percentages leaves me way over on protein, and under on Carbs. I do lean more towards protein though, because when I exercise I feel weak and hungry after if I don't eat protein based foods. Protein high foods also tend to make you feel full longer, which at 1200 - 1500 calories a day is a…
    in Goals Comment by Junkers November 2008
  • Two words... Hot tub. Best investment I ever made!
  • 1360 calories for 90 minutes? Has this been verified by anyone? I play 2-3 times a week, and I don't seem to lose any weight over the winter...
  • Denise, I just joined as well. Looks like I'm one of a very few men on this site, but I think I can handle it!! This site gives a whole look at the amount of food I was eating. It's going to be tough, but I'm off to a good start!! Take care and see you soon, Kristian