mgnmnz Member


  • That's seriously amazing!!!!
  • Hello Everyone! I am from the United States, and I live in New Jersey. I am 32 years old and I weigh currently around 140lbs (63.50 kgs I think) and I am 5'3. My goal weight is honestly 110lbs, but I would be thrilled if I were to make it to 125. I have been the same weight for approximately 4 years and my highest weight…
  • Sw:146 Wk1:144 Wk2:142 Wk 3: 141.6 Gw:120 Yeah, things are not going well. Now here is the thing, I went UP for most of the week - the highest weight I was this past week was 143.8 and I'm not going to lie, I totally cried about it to my husband. It's wildly frustrating trying to lose weight, especially how hard I have…
  • Sw:146 Wk1:144 Wk2:142 Gw:120 Slow and steady. I have logged daily, ate all my meals in the house but 2, zero snacking between meals, 1 gallon of water a day, and ran an hour a day each day. Sticking to around 1000 cals eaten a day. I think what is causing this weight loss to be slow is I have been drinking beer, (even…
  • SW: 146 CW: 144.4 Down 1.6 lbs! Cleaner eating and working out. I was listening to kicking geese and she mentioned the starch solution diet, so I borrowed that book from the library and I am trying it out. This diet is very close to what I already do, which is mostly whole foods vegetarian diet, but the starch solution…
  • They need to roll me out when I have just TWO rolls, I can't even imagine.
  • Late but here it goes! F/32/5'3 SW:145 GW: 120 In these 100 days, I want to try and lose 1.5 lbs a week, which will take me to 21 lbs lost, or nearly to my goal weight.
  • Well, I know for me it is snacking. I only have about 25 lbs that I want to lose, but I have been trying to lose that same 25 lbs for nearly 10 years. I am really good at maintaining my weight (for example, I am only up 2 lbs from 2016. I know this because that was the last time I logged into myfitnesspal - I only logged…